Sunday, April 25, 2010

"I am Swiss. HELP! " By Triple S, Chapter 3

Chapter 3

When I was 12, my mother took a sabbatical year and decided to take herself and me to brush up on our German in Germany for 3 months and then to the US for 6 months. We had never been to the US before. As primitive Swiss, we hadn't seen anything except Italy , which hadn't been bad for every single summer vacation, but going to the US was daring for a woman like my mother. She didn't speak good English at all. I spoke none. She was very criticized by Swiss people for wanting do such a thing. Obviously it was nor common nor within the customs to go to live an a foreign country for half a year, much less as a single woman with her 12 year old child. I missed a year of school but I probably learned more than I ever had in Swiss schools, within the 6 months in the US. The first couple of months, it was exciting to be in a new country with new food, new people. Then I got to the point where I missed home, the stupid Swiss settled back in my brain and I wanted to go home to what I knew. It wasn't until I went to camp for a week, away from my mother, that I started feeling very good in the US. Even if I did through some uncomfortable times when the kids at camp were outraged when I was saying that I hadn't been to Yosemite, or the Grand Canyon, or LA. I spoke English enough by then to have kids believe I was living in the US, so they just thought I had never been anywhere. Well they were kids! At camp I started dreaming in English for the first time. It was good. We hugged trees, hiked, played, talked about our feelings which was a whole new concept for me, coming from Switzerhell! Needless to say I did more listening than talking.

After camp I started officially feeling at home in the US. I started loving the city. There was this Swiss woman ( maybe 30 years old) at the international residence where we were living, who would always want to hang out with me. My mother was spending time with her Brazilian boyfriend. That Swiss lady was as pathetic as she would have been in Switzerland. She was trying to be young and cool and it wasn't working. I was enjoying her company because she was older, had money, was acting like a silly kid, but why was she enjoying mine? Coming from Switzerhell, living momentarily in one the best cities in the world... And there she was , hanging with a 12 year old! Anyway, going back to Switzerhell after that 6 months experience was dreadful. Aside from the vicious jealous kids who didn't really want to hear my stories, I did find a friend in an Irish girl whose family had moved to Switzerland 10 years earlier. So I tried to make miserable Swiss life work, by studying more ( I got to be first of my class) , then going out more, to cafés and dance clubs ( no age limit back then ). Anyway I couldn't get myself distracted enough to want to stay in the country. So at 17 years old, I had gotten some money from my father's death, and decided that life was short and that I needed to go back to the US. And I did. Alone.

So here I was, 17 years old, in the US by myself. Coming from a country where cows are as smarter than citizens, I had no armor, no strength, no brains and definitely no street smart abilities. I guess I used up all my luck back then because when I think what could have happened to me, I think it was pretty amazing that not only have I been put next to good people who helped me and didn't try to break me, as Swiss people would have done, but also I was lucky enough not to meet too many psychopaths... I knew I didn't want to try drugs, because I had read a book ( L'Herbe Bleue) when I was little and it scared me ( some parents didn't let their young children read that, but my mother did and it helped scare me ). Aside from being around guys who smoked pot and hanging out in reggae clubs, I didn't go looking for trouble. I had been a good kid and I was a sad but great teenager becoming an adult. My only problem was that I was too close to my mother. She was my only family and I was listening to her from the US even more than when I was in Switzerhell. So I went to college because that's what she said I should do. She used to use my father and say: " your father would have wanted you to go to university". Not that it was a mistake for me to go to school but I didn't know what I wanted to do really. I was this lost Swiss girl with at least an open mind but nothing else, no passion, no real interest. Growing up in Switzerhell you get no motivation from society. In the US there was too much motivation for too many things. I wanted to act, but my mother said it was safer to go to university so I did. I went to SF State. I started to take dance lessons a few times a week. I had already been into aerobics for several years but dancing was more creative. Some teachers actually encouraged me and said that I was good. As a Swiss, you're never told that you're good, at anything. As a kid or an adult, people don't praise you, don't give compliments, don't encourage you. They only tell you what's wrong, what you shouldn't do. Even parents don't motivate and encourage their children by giving them compliments. So I thought I must really be a good dancer since people I didn't know told me that I was good... The fact that I loved dancing a lot added to me wanting to dance for a living. I remember I called my mother one night after a great dance class where I had some kind of revelation, a great feeling that it was the best thing I had ever felt. So I called her ( collect) and told her how great I felt and that I should just dance, take classes and then later on work as a dancer. She totally went nuts and started yelling and calling me stupid! So that broke my natural high and revelation feeling, and I let her hurt me by listening to her telling me that the feeling I had was nothing but "vacation" feeling and that I had to work to get somewhere in life, and not fall for "good" feelings! Sometimes, we let people do things to us. Guilt, need for love, whatever, . I was young and I didn't have the guts to go against her, to hang up on her, especially so far away where I missed her. I was almost 18 and had some money from my father which I used for university . As a stupid Swiss, I didn't know what I wanted, I was so excited to be in the US. I totally messed up on university. I changed major about 4 times in 3 years, and never finished the 4th. But because I didn't take a shot at what I really wanted to do at that age, I always had dancing come in the way of everything I later did. I was always, as a friend used to say a " half-ass dancer", and will always be for the rest of my life.

I had learned so much, had come so far from the dull Swiss girl, I didn't have it in me to cut the cord from my mother. She was my only family, my rock. I couldn't see the "not good" in her.

She was my mother and my only connection to what I thought was closeness. In reality my mother and I are not close. In my early teenage years, she acted like my friend. She was a buddy more than a mother, which some psychologists say made me the mother of the two. I have this bond with her that has nothing to do with love. It's not the blood bond either. It's more like a guilt bond. She or I feel guilty so there is that guilt bond. That's what I feel anyway. I don't get along with her. Well she is Swiss, and even if she got crazy for half a year in 1984 to take us to the US , that didn't change how Swiss she is. I changed a lot during these 6 months because I was young and in need of a change since my father had died a few years earlier. I left Switzerhell as a sad child and came back as a confident young teenager. My mother didn't change as a person. Our 6 months experience was material for her to talk about in Switzerhell, for the next 10 years. The Swiss will live abroad for a bit and register events in their minds but learn nothing from them. After our 6 months in the US, I had learned among other things, to talk about my feelings. my mother didn't go to the school I went to of course, but I thought I could make her talk more, by opening up to her and telling her a lot about me. I did that for a long time. Her Swiss brain is so glued and stuck on its usual automatic closed drive. I could never have her open up and talk. I play her game. It's the Swiss way, really. Live and pretend that everything is great. I am sensitive so I can feel that it's not a sane relationship, but that works for her, so I am playing along. I know my mother is one of the reasons why so many times in the US I have boycotted good opportunities. I am not putting the blame on her. It's me who won't let go of the guilt, guilt that says I am not supposed to do too well and leave her behind. She likes to be the queen. As much as I wanted to act and be a movie star, I don't have that need to be the queen. I want what I want, that's my caveat. But I have always kept that bond with my mother, that bond that has kept me down, where she loves me most.

Well I guess my mother did her best as a Swiss mother. She could have been better, or worse. She brought me to the US, when I was 12, which was young enough to let that American culture sink in me. That first time in a US city, and then when I lived there alone when I was 17, 18, 19, 20, got a load of American freedom inside of me. It was big for a Swiss person. But I wasn't me yet. I needed more to realize things, and to get to the core of me. I therefore made a lot of mistakes. I could have done much better for myself had I had the awareness that I needed to be totally freed from that old Swiss filth in me. My choices were based on what I thought I had become, me, a smarter me, a better me. That was true but as a Swiss, one needs a mountain to get out of the ancestral stupidity. It took years in the US to learn more about myself, to learn more about life. But it wasn't until my dogs came along that I started freeing myself of the deep Swiss gong. My first dog Shiva is a little dog. He taught me love, slowly, day after day. My second dog Shadow came into my life and he taught me strength and how pathetic these Swiss people really are. It must sound silly. I am not totally free yet, but I am close to it. My dogs are old and I realize the job they have done on me. I am me. All I need now is money to leave Switzerhell for good. I need the tools to physically get out of that country for good, because in my mind I am rid of this Swiss thing. But I am stuck there because of the lack of money. Oh I know everyone has that same story: the need for money. But when I know that I have reached a point of being me for real, being rid of that Swiss scum which I still see around me everywhere I go, since I am still in the country, it's frustration at its deepest. I am just missing the will power to attract the money I need. I believe the ones who say there is no dream that may not come true. But I just can't get in touch with the power that I have, that all humans have. The smart ones know how to use it well to get what they want. I am not super smart but I feel I should be able to tap into that power because I have seen it in action. I have gotten what I wanted a few times even if the odds were small. I just didn't do it on purpose, I don't remember what and how I did it. The European thought and mentality is "when you least look for it, it comes to you, so stop hoping", and the American way is more " don't give up on your dreams". I like the American way better. Wanting something and meaning it should make it happen. The problem with Europeans is that when they want something, they still carry that deep negative thinking along with their wishes. The negative thinking goes like this: " stop dreaming, it can't really come true" or " it's just a dream". I got rid of the Swiss filth, but I am not sure I am free from all European mentalities. As a kid I often thought I was French, because of the language, or Italian, because of the every year vacationing in Italy. The old continent has this rock reality mentality that induces pessimism. One person dreams about something, you have ten people around to tell that person that she or he is dreaming and that she or he should concentrate on what's real and possible, that's what smart people do... I think I am still trapped in there, living there among these negative people. I cry when I read the Secret or other American self-help books. I cry because I believe or I want to believe, so badly! I am so good at visualizing what I want. I can do that all day long every day. I just can't take the next step to make it happen!

Truth is human brains work differently and it takes sometimes more than a lifetime to figure how yours works. So of course I am missing something. We all dream of getting what we want. And since sometimes it happens, we think there must be a rule that works for all, all the time. It's a nice thought. Everybody works differently. Cultures think differently as a whole too. There are set ways to act or not act in different countries. Those are serious things, customs, much like religion. Humans get very upset if you mess with their ways, or even if you contradict. Sometimes it's better to shut up. Humans are complicated because of the actual complicated patterns they install in their brains. Most of the time, they can't handle the pattern they install. So imagine the Swiss who are more pathetic than normal humans, and who think they know everything when they don't even know themselves. That's what I mean when I say that cows are smarter than the Swiss. Cows lead a simple life without pretension. They know what they want. They know their place in the barn. They know how to have fun even. They are smart like that. Well we always say dogs are stupid compared to humans. I don't know, think of your brain being trapped in a dog's body. You can't talk, can't hold things the same way as a human can, with your paws. You can't scratch your back with your own paws. You understand these humans most of the time but they can't understand you. Let's see how frustrating that is! And how smart you can appear then.

Cultures are very different for the smallest things sometimes. I saw this candid camera show on French TV. They were showing the same candid hidden camera joke in France and in Canada. It was in a bar, cafe. People were sitting at the bar, drinking. Three strangers. One leaves money to pay for his coffee near the cup on the counter. He also leaves gloves which means he is not leaving yet. He goes to the bathroom. The person sitting next to the person next to him steals some of that money the other guy had left to pay for his coffee. The person in the middle is the "punked" person who doesn't know anything about the game. In France she or he stays quiet when the person steals, every time. In Canada the person in the middle doesn't let the guy steal that money, ever.... Differences in cultures....

I can only feel hatred for these Swiss people because any alternative would be a lie to myself and my fair beliefs of justice in human kind. It's like all the evil people of the world who have no conscience and the ability to feel great despite their criminal actions. For those of you who don't believe these people exist ( I know some of you believe that all people feel pain when they have done evil but that's wishful thinking), go live in Switzerhell and melt into society, get to know the heart of them, all over the country. You'll see the kind of evil deeds they can commit and still feel satisfied with themselves. It's almost the bad side of the LAw of attraction. The Swiss feel ok with whatever crap they pull on other people. Since they hurt others to punish them most of the time, they feel good about everything. So they attract more feeling ok about everything they do. The hypocrisy, the hidden crimes in that country while keeping the image of peace, beauty of the land and great happy thoughts for themselves. Happy thoughts is relative to what they can feel as "happy", but it is a good thing for them. In Switzerhell scumbags are everywhere. You could say that scumbags attract scumbags. That worked for that country. The thing that bothers me is that even if guilt was present in the past, in order to keep people from doing too much evil to each other, guilt is fading now. The Swiss have become experts on putting guilt on others, and making them pay, maybe to appease their guilt... Switzerhell is the royal place for all criminals of all sorts, big or small, who feel no guilt. All such people of the world attract each other in that rat hole. Switzerland is a scum scum place, with blind thoughts to create their chocolate coated lives. If life is a law of attraction, then I'll be miserable forever, because yes I see the pain, mine and everyone else's , the animals'. There is so much scum human blood that I try to stay away from them to breathe properly. I have a sensitive nose. Who would hate the people from the place one comes from? It happens. There is a saying somewhere that says: " your worst enemies are the ones closest to you". Well, sometimes it's because you know them best. And in my case, growing up I didn't know there were other people out there, that were better as humans, nicer, more open to growing, evolving as individuals. Life with both my parents , I saw and learned that even my parents were not that strong in society and there were people who could get away with criminal acts while we had to follow the rules.. I wasn't sure how it worked but I learned that was the way it was and asking too many questions was not safe. Later on, living with my mother only taught me that life as women is much less safe than with men. My mother also showed me that when under any kind of attack, women better hide than scream, better shut their mouth than tell.

When I went to the US, I discovered new ideas, new ways of thinking. Wowoa, was that possible? My mother who I listened to since she was my only family, always reminded me that I should be careful not to believe in Father Christmas. This expression meant that I had to do what I could and learn the most I could but not believe in the impossible. I was taking acting classes and she said it was fine but I could never have it as my profession. When I took dance classes, she said I shouldn't waste my money on that. My mother said that to me on the phone, because unfortunately I cared about her opinion. I had no role model, no peer. So I listened. Life is how it is. The Swiss live like animals in a way. They follow the weather and their destiny, as mediocre as it can be. They don't create their own destiny. They don't even think it's possible. Well they don't believe in helping people up when they fall on the street, so how could they possibly imagine that their little minds could create anything? But that is the least of their tars.

When some authors and speakers say that we have limited views and ideas installed in our brains from society and our surroundings from the day we learn how to communicate, they are extremely right about countries like Switzerhell. Society teaches people how few possibilities they have in life, how many things are impossible, even if they clearly are possible. Just by living in the US for 10 months when I was 17, I already discovered that life had many more possibilities that I had been told, even if my mother was there on the phone to keep my mental boundaries clear and strong. But it helped me to hear about a wider range of everything. Until the age of 38, I still carried those deep boundaries that had been taught to me by my most precious family members and other people I can't think of. I couldn't let that go. Once you realize that your subconscious is that contaminated, you have to try to save yourself before you realize you have given your life to others and not in a good helping way.

Talk about contamination, it seems that the Swiss feel it when you are getting happy and lifting your spirits. They will be there showing up to try to break them. I remember living in the US and noticing when people get happy, whether it was me or someone else, people are drawn to them maybe because they want some happy vibes too, but especially to congratulate them on their happy vibes and high spirits, and encourage them to keep that up! That doesn't exist in primitive countries like Switzerhell. The fact that Switzerhell is not considered primitive is what troubles me the most and worries me about the world. If the world is so blinded by that old Swiss image of perfection, then how is the world supposed to move in the right direction? When only Libya which is not a role model for the world, can see the filth of Switzerland , thanks to one incident where the son of the Libyan leader was arrested in his hotel after a statement of his maids. When only a man like Iran's president had the guts to speak out about the way women are treated in Switzerhell, when interviewed about the treatment of women in his own country, I think it is sad. I am not a fan of institutions which make their women wear veils and give them little rights in society, but at least those people are honest and don't hide the facts about women from the world. Some Swiss have said I was a feminist. Well aside from their ignorance and stupidity, when a woman has been bullied by men as an adult and can't do anything about it because of not the laws, because they exist in books but the fact that the laws are not respected when it comes to women. That doesn't make me a feminist because if I was, I should think I would act for the cause, rally, write to government officials, etc. My cause are dogs and particular breeds that are not only being hated in Switzerland but being killed by the dozen, in shelters and other places. Dog fighting is a big issue and many coutries take actions to stop that phenomenon. Well how about people in rich nations straight up killing packs of dogs of the "wrong" breeds. Don't other countries know? Well it's because the great image of Switzerland and everyone around the world has put Switzerland in a little box that says: beautiful and perfect. Wake up people!!!I am against dog fighting because people who do that kind of thing are dealers, illegal money makers, etc. They mistreat their dogs to make them ill-aggressive. I am not against a regulated dog sports institution which would make the dogs athletes just like the cow fights, horse races or greyhounds races, even if I am not a fan of all those activities, but in the name of "it's better to train an animal and work with it daily than leave it in a yard by itself", I am not against making animals work. There are so many dogs out there who are mistreated, including a lot of dogs who "look" like they are well treated in a nice family.... We all know what can go on in "nice" families, and I know what goes on in busy , hectic, emotionally unstable or psychologically slightly disturbed homes, when at the same time these households appear to be functioning beautifully. Dogs are not human toys! It's bad enough they are distractions, security guards and emotional sponges . But rarely are dogs treated with respect all their lives!! Face it! Work closely with animal control, or go out and make friends with lots of people who have dogs. That is more or less the same in every country. In North America the majority of people are more respectful towards animals than the rest of the world, but there is that minority which is a big part as well which can not function well themselves and get dogs which they end up mistreating. Switzerhell, being such a small and rich country, you would think that at least dogs would be treated well there. They are not.

I don't have Swiss friends in Switzerhell but there are people I talk to often, people who I see for x and y reason, like this woman in Lausanne with 2 big dogs. I met her once in the woods. One of her dogs is a young Cane Corso mix, the other an old German Shepard. Thanks to the fact that her Cane Corso is a mix, he doesn't put people off because most of them can't tell what he is. He is also young and very playful. The German Shepard is old but still going strong. Because I like walking with those dogs and have enjoyed our walks. She liked calling me to go for walks together to get some tips on training her Cane Corso. I didn't tell her that there was a whole of work to do and that she would probably have problems with the dog because she hadn't started training earlier. At least that woman has a family with kids who are teenagers and so at least the dog is very well socialized, since their apartment is always full of people. But the other day she calls me and tells me that they are getting rid of the old German Shepard. The father was driving the dog to the pound that night. I tried to get some sense into her stupid Swiss head and give her advice since she said that the neighbors had written to the real estate agency of the building and that people were complaining about the 2 dogs, and especially the Shepard barking. So the family keeps the young dog and throws away the old one. Instead of trying to train her or take steps so that she couldn't bark or put her in a kennel when she barked, or this or that. There are many things they could have tried. That woman told me she had tried to "train" her not to bark, and it had worked a bit but not enough. And she said it was too much and the family couldn't handle her anymore. So they are getting rid of this old dog who had been living with this family since she was a puppy. They are keeping the big one year old Cane Corso because she said they are so attached to him... Of course I cried and still do when I think of these filthy filthy people who had a dog in their apartment, as a member of the family and because of training issues, they get rid of this dog who knows nothing else but their living room. Its not like the dog was alone all day and couldn't be controlled or trained. I just get so upset at that human filth! I could add that these people go to church every Sunday. Say it with me: "yuck!" I also offered to take the dog for a while and try to find someone to take her long term. Shiva didn't really like her so I wouldn't keep her long term. These people said it was too complicated and they preferred going to the SPA ( ASPCA). Dogs are helpless, they can't defend themselves, they have no say in anything. They are creatures of our fancies. At least cats can get some independence when they get to go outside. To finish my story about these disgusting Swiss: These people had no excuse, no valuable cause to get rid of their dog except their stupidity of not wanting to make the effort to change things around the house so that the dog wouldn't bark and make the neighbors crazy (....). These people are not poor. The wife doesn't work, aside from taking care of the kids ( grown teenagers) and the house, well and the dogs. The husband works. I actually thought I was spending time with a woman who was taking good care of her dogs. When we would go for walks, I wasn't fond of talking to her about life or other than dog- things since I have little in common with the Swiss ways of thinking, but I could definitely bear her presence and talks. I didn't see it coming. I thought I had one of the few decent, hard working mothers around that country. But no , she , they turned out to be crap just like the rest...

Even the people who tell you they love animals. I came across this lady who told me she rescued animals left and right. I saw her again on the sidewalk, talking to a girl about the fact that she rescued animals all the time... She walks around with her one dog, and tells people she rescues animals and she loves them so. I saw her once at the SPA ( ASPCA), where she came to walk a dog. The only volunteering people can do is walking a dog or two during opening hours which are 2 to 5 pm. So she comes there once in a while to walk this one dog she likes. The staff has asked her if she wanted to adopt the dog. She said that she didn't think that her dog would get along with this one. Had she tried to have them meet? No. She told me about this one bird she saved, after a bunch of kids had shoved whatever non-edible material down the bird's throat. She brought a dog to the police one day because she couldn't find the owner. People who brag are usually the ones who accomplish the least. She was more into talking to people about how much she loves animals and that she would rescue them all the time, but she really didn't give much of her time to animals. She was an older unemployed woman. I don't know if there was a husband at home I didn't ask, but the amount of time that she spent bragging was even too much for her poor dog that would wait beside her. It was an older dog and I could tell she didn't want to stand in place in the snow for hours while her owner was bragging away. The lady also told me that she thought that female dogs should be sterilized but males shouldn't be castrated. Typical Swiss chauvinist thought. She obviously learned that from a man , but believed in it firmly, as she was explaining why. I couldn't listen. I was pretending to, but upset at that thought of these people who supposedly loved animals, was tearing my hopes that a few people in Switzerhell were on dogs' side for real. Dogs fight all the time on the street. People hold their dogs strong on leashes, but all these unfixed dogs, plus the habits that the Swiss have to take their dog and run when they see another dog doesn't help to socialize the animals.

The Swiss can't stand their neighbors to be happy, and they can't stand their dogs to be happier than them either. The Swiss will never take their dog on a walk, just for the happiness of the dog. They don't want their dog to pee in the house so they take it outside. Most people just walk around the corner. The few people who go for longer walks are the ones who need the exercice. It's for them, not for the dog. In Switzerhell when they stop to let their dog snif another, as soon as they're playing, they call their dog. Why would they wait for their dog while she or he is playing? At home they have all the rules backwards, they let their dogs eat first, go on the couch, etc. The dog thinks she or he is the master in the house, but doesn't get to have some real doggy time outside, socializing, playing. The Swiss hate it when their dog is happier than them. I have seen people whose dogs were happy to see people in the hallway ( and the people would pet the dog), yell at their dog every time, to come back to them quickly and then slap the dog..

I know people from the United States and Canada don't have that national need to be happier than their neighbors. The worse Americans and Canadians do is not care about their neighbors but they certainly don't waste their time and energy hating people they know because of the happiness they enjoy. I am saying Americans and Canadians, but I should probably include lots of other countries that I don't know so much about. Primitive tribes and cavemen are known to flop to happy people, wanna be around them, celebrate them, even want them to be their leaders. The Swiss see happier people as a threat, and therefore emanate hatred for whoever is happier. The Swiss have more hatred for someone who is happier than them than someone who is richer. Whoever is richer inspires fear. The Swiss know that the richer have more power so if at any time they should hate one who is richer, they certainly won't show it, and wouldn't take any risks backstabbing them, unless they're really sure of their dirty deed. The Swiss hates seeing someone happy. It goes back to the idea that life is tough, and whoever is happy has to be scamming others. What makes a person happy is to be able to get away with "murder" while others can't. It's that whole Christian root as well, of having to feel guilty if you're happier than others and therefore if you are happy, you should not show it and you should definitely feel guilty for it. So if you feel happy and you show it, you should be punished by God. And the Swiss take "godly" action themselves very easily. They don't do it in your face because it's dangerous for them. A happy person could retaliate, as a desperate person who is powerless in society wouldn't. Or at least that 's the old-fashion view of things. The Swiss are a people who for a long time thought in the same ways, acted and behaved the same. I believe some of their most pathetic hatred comes from the fact that some people act differently than them nowadays, whether those people are Swiss who have lived in different countries or foreigners immigrating to Switzerhell. However immigration is not new, Swiss people travelling , living abroad and coming back isn't either. I know the Swiss are slow and it takes them years to adapt to something new. Unless they could somehow change that new thing back to how it was before, they are refusing to adapt. It's like they have this big wall between change and themselves. They don't want to see the change, and they surely don't want to have to change in way. Their life is the way it is. It makes the Swiss very predictable. Even when they backstab you, when they hide to do something to you when you are not around, if you know people's schedules, you can more or less know who it was. They love to be on time. Being on time with everything from meetings to their own habits. I could say the only thing they don't do consistently is walk their dog. They'll be on time everyday as long as it doesn't rain or snow. It's like when it rains or snows in Switzerhell, dogs all of a sudden don't have to pee...

Swiss people are lazy, lazy to work, lazy to have fun and lazy to live. There is a dullness in these people that is gruesome. They find their comfort in their comfortable apartments , houses and in their regulated habitual lifestyles. It comes down to that. I am not saying that the Swiss are simple because that much hatred doesn't come from simplicity and kindness! The Swiss are as complicated as any other human being, but their favorite word is "no". They refuse change, refuse novelty. They refuse to try something new . One thing that they love to try though and that can be considered new is going to see psychics and all kinds of odd spiritual healers. Some will tell you it's all bogus, but there is a vast amount of people who secretly or not, go to see psychics, because in that field and in that field only can they acknowledge their ignorance. They know everything about everything otherwise, but in that sector, they realize that they don't know and if only that could help them...

There is a guy who is famous in the French part of Switzerhell, who is a healer, miracle maker. A friend of mine went to see him when he had a big conference in Geneva. He then took people in the back one by one, and charged them a hundred francs for a 2 minutes chat. My friend told me that the guy told him some true stuff about him so he was impressed. So I got an appointment with the witch-guy and had all kinds of hope. When I saw the guy, met him and felt his energy, I could tell right away that he was a scam. Swiss man, with an overloaded confidence which worked with most people because he doesn't give room for doubt and fear. The placebo effect here is at its best. People who have gone to him and been cured should give themselves some credit! This guy is the worst clown ever! I have met very grounded and spiritual people who have who give off a vibe of a mystical nature or a real good confidence in life, which has made me think that maybe just maybe these people could have good intentions. There are people who exert a lot of positive energy and if you're around them and let the energy flow and accept it, it will flow to you and might cure something in you. I am not an expert in supernatural laws and powers, but I know there are way too many people who scam others by taking their money and giving them nothing at all. If the placebo effect works, great but if it doesn't, it's robbery. It happens all over the world, but in Switzerhell, the pricks don't even try to give off some positive energy. Well because it's not in them, it's not their fault. Or is it?

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