Sunday, April 25, 2010

I am Swiss. HELP!", By Triple S,, Chapter 6

In a village, in the US, I have seen people bring a pie or some cookies to new neighbors when they move in an apartment, or when they buy a house. Neighbors will bring welcoming cakes, roasted chicken or just a batch of cupcakes, but in Switzerhell, they expect the new comer to bring a gift to all the neighbors in order to ease their anger and frustration of seeing someone new move in their area. If you don't do that, your closest neighbor might say hello if you're really lucky, and then will automatically tell you what you have to do or not to do in the neighborhood, or as far as cutting trees , or how to decorate your lawn, or about the zoning laws which no one respects but you should since you're the new guy. There is a saying in Switzerhell that when you move to a new place, you should bring a bottle of wine or chocolates to your neighbors so they won't bother you. The first time I bought my chalet, the old woman next door greeted me by telling me to cut the roof of a small shed that was 2 cm in their property , only to find out later that these people had been living there and owning the big family chalet since the middle ages and the shed next door had never bothered them. The family doesn't have a fence around their property, but they told me that roof is bothering them. It's funny how the little part of the roof hadn't bothered them for years before. It's only when they saw a single woman living next door that they decided that the roof bothered them and they had the guts to demand that it be cut off. I guess they felt extra comfortable pushing it as far as they could because no man was ever visiting me during the first few months. Of course I could have said no and not hire a guy to cut that part of the roof off, but I knew that if I didn't, the woman next door who always had either her daughter and son in law, or another man of the family there with her, they would mess with me. By cutting that roof, I bought myself two and a half years of semi-peace, not counting the fact that these neighbors would walk by my fence and stare throughout my yard and at what they could see of the inside of the chalet, every time they went for a walk. Their car and entrance was on the other side, but they liked to show they were in power because in number! When these people see a man, they act all nice and say that there is no problem. I am sure that they wouldn't have dared to ask for that roof to be cut off, for that centimeter that stretched on their side if I had been a man. They had a big fat hedge that showed the separation of the 2 properties. I later built a fence. I wasn't going to cut that roof, but since my mother was also the owner of the chalet and she didn't want any problems, she hired a guy to cut a part of the roof. That's how it is with women in Switzerhell. I have seen how my mother acts. My mother always has to compromise, be the one who is nice or giving and offering more than the families, couples or men who live nearby. She has to do all kinds of nice things to survive, to have people off her back. She is more generous with strangers than with her own family, but that's probably because she has to. And that's because she has to, because otherwise people will be on her case.

The outrage of the fact that these people next to my chalet asked me to cut the roof was that they had 2 huge pine trees that were and still are on my property. The trunks are in theirs, but half of the pines fall in mine. And no, I don't need the shade from their tall trees! These people are filthy, and how they try to f*** with you and are so sure nothing is going to happen to them!!! Amazing! Amazing how the government has been spreading fear for centuries, fear of the authorities, fear of foreigners, etc. And the strongest ones in society, which are men or families with men look for s*** as much as they can, legal or illegal s***, just messing with people's lives, and are so used to having their little precious lives intact, nobody messes with them, because fear is all around. And they definitely think a woman is afraid. The codes in society are funny to me: Everyone is afraid of men, and no one is afraid of women. Women are not afraid of women. Old women are not afraid of any woman. The Swiss are not known to be violent in your face. They don't know how to physically fight and are so used to people backstabbing them , that many old women insult younger women and have gotten away with it for years since they couldn't imagine anyone doing anything right then and there. It comes from the old adage " respect the old". Everyone feels sorry for the old, no one dares touch them. The problem is the old used to be wise. I never heard an old lady insult any one in public when I was little. Now I hear it all the time in Switzerhell. And the old women who do it are not "white trash" or poor unschooled people. Maybe their parents didn't educate them, but they are rich. It's funny ( or not) when you see little old ladies wearing Gucci shoes and bags, insult younger people, while making no sense at all. Older people could reprimand younger ones if there was something the young ones would have done. But it's ridiculous and according to me dangerous for them, when you see an old lady insult a young boy for standing in line quietly at the post office with his skate board in his hand. The old lady estimated the skate board to be forbidden in the post office when it isn't as long as the person is holding it. The kid could have slapped that woman that it wouldn't have been shocking to anyone.

The Swiss have backstabbed each other, in the dark, for little stupid things for years. Strict everyday rules were important 50 years ago. They called the cops on everybody back then. They would still make people pay for their "mistake" on their own terms and backstab them, to show that they were on the cops' side. They used to leave clues for people to know or get an idea about the reason why something happened to them, why someone had backstabbed them. Nowadays, the backstabbing is more of a power trip, a game, a "frustration-let-out" than a punishment for not following the rules. The backstabbing is based on hatred nowadays, as before, it was for punishing someone for not doing the right thing. There is so much hidden hatred in Switzerhell that it creates this unbearable sick atmosphere. The disease rate is anyway too high for a small country that has a lot of fresh air, mountains, lakes, country side all around, and a country that is just now in 2009, starting to sell processed foods. There is no hormones in the beef, no antibiotics in chicken. Most cheese is real. A lot of people still eat healthy, and they are all so sick physically. Mentally more, but physically , according to statistics, they should live longer and healthier.

It's the hatred, it's the nasty vibe. It's the lack of passion, love and compassion everywhere. It's like when Greg Braden came to Zurich to talk about Heart Math and compassion. It's like he was talking to a wall. The Swiss were listening with a smile, like he came from a different planet. They thought it would be nice if what he was saying was true.... but Swiss reality is Swiss reality. You can't teach a cow to speak. I am still amazed at how much of a wall the Swiss have created around their precious primitive thoughts. These people travel a lot, but they are the only people I know or have heard of, that don't learn a thing from meeting other people, culture and habits. They are the only ones who can talk to people when they travel and pretend to have an open mind just and still be convinced that they are better, that the way they do things is the best. It is so far from being the best. As a matter of fact, it is nowadays the worst human filthy thinking process in the world. The Swiss have deteriorated to a point where I am not sure they can go lower on a human level. They have the international buoy around them that keeps the human side of Switzerhell hidden behind all the money, the business which is linked to the whole modern world. Money and business don't have the quality of human instruction that Switzerhell needs to recover from the deep human filth which lies in every Swiss and that is kept deep by a large wall. Truth is no one wants to save these people. The Swiss would need real saving to break that wall. The people of the world who come through Switzerhell and get an idea of the crap that lies in Swiss people, don't really care. They look at it like: "These Swiss people have money, they should know better....the idiots" , and they leave the country. Around the world, having money helps educate people. People actually educate themselves when they get their hands on money. It is obvious for most people. They educate themselves, not only by going to school, but learning about life, by having a more relaxed mind, able to love more and have more compassion. They might step on their business competitors to get ahead, but their minds will have the freedom to evolve on a human level. I know some poor Africans who are much more evolved as humans than any Swiss I know. The Swiss are stuck in their mind pit. No one wants to save them since they have so much money, or access to it. The rich countries gather to help people in need usually, like after an earthquake, a tsunami, a war, etc. But who wants to help assholes who have money and contribute to poverty in many countries by attracting headquarters of companies by lowering tax rates for them. I am not calling the world to help the assholes at all. I am pointing out that a probable future poverty of the whole country might be the only thing that could make them come down to a human level themselves. The Swiss need , and it is sad to say so, to have an impoverished devastated county to break down both financially and physically to shake their souls, and break down that wall that keeps them from realizing that they are human and that other people exist, not to help them, not for their entertainment, and not for them to lash their hatred onto. They need to learn that life is not about hatred and how much you can hide of it, and act from it, while getting away with it. But as long as people of the world don't realize that and keep putting their headquarters there, and their millions in Swiss banks, and buying Nestle products because they think they're healthy, and buying homes there because they think it is a safe country, Switzerhell will stay strong and help promote the filthy nature of the Swiss and whoever decides to live there. And that is really bad for humanity. Every country is trying to grow on a human-compassion level. You can see people every where saying that the world needs to be a better place because they feel that if that doesn't happen, it's going to get worse. Well a big part of the human filth that the world feels, is from Switzerland. The world doesn't know that, or at least most people don't believe it. But it's true.

One thing about that country is that foreigners who live there for a while don't realize the fear that is around which makes things seem like the country is quiet, introverted. The Swiss leaders have realized a while ago that the Swiss were dangerous because of their mental illnesses and have therefore engrained deep fear in their minds. Cops were and are trained to "punish" people for little things and to show people that they 're in power, that they can punish someone and not another when and if they feel like it. People have learned to fear the authorities in a sick way. They have started wanting to be them. Every Swiss is a cop, a lot of people say that in Europe. Immigrants count on that fear when they know how filthy and full of hatred these people are and the things they try to do to them for just parking a bit off the white line. They use that fear when they first get to the country. They use it by threatening Swiss people in their face, which scares them since they're not used it. But very soon, the immigrants learn that there is so much crap done to them in their back and not knowing who it was, that they soon become "Swiss", and start shutting up and backstabbing as well. I know that fear, it has been engrained in Swiss minds for centuries. I have it or I had it. Even if I can deal with it in a way, I know it well. You don't really know why you're afraid, you were just trained to fear the authorities or something else, actually I can't really explain it. When I am in the US I don't have it. It's like my allergies, when I am in the US I don't have any. I am now very aware of that fear when I am in Switzerhell. I don't control it a hundred percent yet, but I know it well when it creeps up on me for no good reason. I can walk in the woods, in the forest with no one around, for hours and I am not afraid. I am ready to act if someone creeps up on me when I don't walk in fear. However when I am in society, when I meet creepy Swiss all day, I can feel that fear starting to tell me to get away from these people. In the US, I have always felt safe in a crowd, or on the street with lots of people around. I tried to avoid empty areas at night. But in Switzerhell, it is the opposite. That could touch a bit of a mystical sense. Some of you could also say that it's just in my head or because of some facts that happened to me when I was little. I of course remember my girlfriend getting raped by the son of a cop of the neighborhood in a quiet area. She couldn't do a thing. She told me she screamed, no one came to help. She then told the police, no one believed her. I also remember every time I came home at night when it was dark, that same cop or his son was always opening the window as I passed by , or closing the shutters to let me know they were watching me. It's not like a guy watching you and you don't know it. These assholes wanted me ( and other women and girls) to know they were in charge around the neighborhood. I had one or two birthday parties that lasted past midnight. The noise was barely heard by neighbors if at all. The cop would put his uniform, on duty or not, and would ring the bell and tell us to end the party, not keep the noise down, but end the party. There was no question. I remember no one at the parties either adult or children would argue or complain. They all knew how things worked. Having too much fun is a bad thing. Cops would never worry about people getting home drunk or not, or worry about security. All they wanted was to show their power. When that cop came over once to tell us to end the party, there was a guy who was drunk, had thrown up and was lying on the floor because he had fallen and no one could pick him up. The cop saw him half passed out, but didn't ask if he was ok. Cops rule and scare people, that's all they do. People want to be cops and scare people too. Some even think that by backstabbing you, they are warning you and avoiding you a cop visit. Cute country.

When I was living and working in a very famous Swiss ski resort one winter season, I taught aerobics at night, and used to hang out at the club or the local bar and come home late. I was staying in a building where the parking spots were limited, so I was often the last one to come in, so a lot of times I parked where I could which was not always in a marked parking spot, which anyway in the winter no one can tell because the snow covers the color marks to limit the parking zone on the pavement. There were cars everywhere on that parking lot. One morning, I saw my tire slashed, flat. At the time, I was still full of good will, and the thought of someone doing it on purpose didn't even hit me. I just had it repaired. It was a tiny Fiat Panda. A few years later, someone told me, it was the old man on the 2nd floor who did it. She saw him do a few things to people's cars and he also threw a flower pot on my someone's head one night in the summer when people were having a few friends over and talking a bit louder than a whisper, at 9 pm... He knew calling the cops wouldn't work, it wasn't that late and there wasn't that much noise, that was why the old man pretended to drop a flower pot off his balcony by accident. Having lived in the US, I often wanted to talk things out, and ask people why they would do something of the sort. What I didn't understand back then is that you can't talk to these idiot Swiss. As a woman you loose anyway, and on a human level, the frustration that a conversation with them brings, is not worth it. Their logic is ridiculous, and when asked to talk, they come up with comments that don't even exist because they're not used to talking things out. You think that old man could have come to my place and told me to park somewhere else for x and y reason? No, talking is not a custom. They look at what you do from behind their curtains, and then backstab you when they don't like what you do. My car was really not bothering anyone. A few other cars were parked outside of proper marked parking spaces, but these cars didn't belong to any single woman.. It happened to me many times later, but that was the first time, and that time I believed I had driven over a nail or something... Of course it is better when you don't know all the crap these Swiss people do. I was really positive about everything and didn't really think anyone would do anything bad to me, especially for no good reason. I had gotten all that positivism from the US. In any country, you can have a crazy neighbor who is watching you or doing little things to you, to make your life a little harder, but in Switzerhell, it is the majority of the population who do that. They spend so much time on observing other people's behavior and actions, you would think they would learn something here and there, and take advantage of the situation, and use that which they learned for their own growth and well-being. Well the only well-being they will be able to get is the satisfaction of making your life miserable without getting caught. Again, I want to stress the fact that there are people who do such things in every country, to friends, neighbors, co-workers, but not all the time!!!! That's the major difference between Switzerhell and the rest of the world. Trust me when I say that because I have told that to many people outside Switzerhell and they respond with a smile and say that I exaggerate. I don't. If anything I don't know the worst things that go on in Switzerhell because I consider myself a lucky, positive person, so I don't attract the worst in general. The Swiss have a lot of time on their hands, whether they are retired or they are working and have no other activity in their life than work. They don't know how to appreciate their families. Most of them spend the least time with their families, whether it is fathers who leave the house as soon as they have eaten, or mothers who come up with fake activities just to get out. Many Swiss stay in their homes but don't talk to each other, don't do activities together, don't even interact. Try to live in a building next door to a family when the walls are really cardboard thin. You can sometimes hear the children which seem barely alive by the sound of their livelihood. You might hear the adults speak to say things like : here is the salt, pepper, sugar, bread,... but aside from that, the only thing that speaks in the apartment is the TV. So a lot of times, one of the parents is watching TV and the other is somewhere watching other people outside, or listening to what they are saying next door. All that is not just for their entertainment, but as soon as they hear or see something they think is wrong, they will plan on doing something to that person , unless it's a strong Swiss man, to make her or him "pay". It's everywhere, all the time. It's in the culture, it is like the basis of the Swiss lifestyle. I know an older woman who told me that she had an interest in soccer when she was younger and her parents had forbidden her to play soccer because it was a boy's sport and used to make her sit with them by the window when she had rather gone to play soccer, and watch people, and listen to her parents say bad things about them, and talk about making them pay.

I have seen old people not even hide when they look out the window all day. I had one in the building I lived in that little village with a great view on the lake where they all planed on making me move out because of my dog's breed. That old man was retired and was always sitting behind his curtain, looking out. He would come out and walk to his car to go shopping. He seemed healthy and still pretty strong. The odor that was coming out of his tiny apartment though was definitely body odor from not or never showering. The showers worked just fine in the building. It is one thing to smell bad body odor on someone when you pass by them in the staircase, but it comes out of their apartment, it's really bad. This guy was probably not showering and never opening the window. He would sit by it, but never open it. That's another Swiss thing: in the winter, no one opens windows because the heat is on. There is fresh air outside but let's keep it outside! No fresh air inside. Not in their home, not in their office, not at the gym and not in their car. Switzerhell is a country where you can find a lot of fresh air. There are a few big cities which aren't so big anyway so the pollution is not a major problem, also because it rarely gets big heat. But inside pollution which everyone outside Switzerhell knows, is the worst kind of pollution and is a big problem. Oh wait, could it be solved by opening windows a few times a day? Oh but that's rocket science for the Swiss, and that would waste a breath of heat. Cannot do that.

I have gone to a few gyms in Switzerhell. Some are underground without windows, and the ones that have windows, anyone is forbidden to open them. Can I tell you about the odor that lies and flies around these places? Think about your worst ghetto cheap community center gym ( which are great by the way for people who can't afford the other gyms) with a bunch of dudes who don't take showers, eat a lot of garlic and cheese and sweat like pigs? In Switzerhell, all gyms are more expensive than your best top quality health club in the US and smell like your worst Southern ( because of the heat) ghetto gym. It isn't hot in Switzerhell and these people don't really sweat that much when they work out because minimal effort is all they give. No one showers before going to the gym. They all know they are going to shower after so no shower in the morning, even if they work out at night because knowing that they will shower at night and they showered last night, is clean enough! Men also wear shorts, no matter how old they are. Once one man wears shorts, you can be sure they all do it. It is the sheep mentality. You show your legs, I'll show mine. Wearing shorts exposes body odor even more than wearing sweat pants. It is nastier than nasty. These people are disgusting. Showering twice a day is absurd to them. They smell bad and then you have to see these ugly legs ( let's face it few men have nice looking legs as it is) and then to top it all, they look at a woman like they own her, stare up and down with their ugly faces, and if you don't look back and smile they give you a dirty look that says : "You whore, if I wanted you really, of course I could have you, I am a man!" Sweet people of Switzerland... Can I puke now? And then when you think about their minds, their empty one-sided way of thought, their thinking that they are the best in everything, better than other cultures....I am not even talking about an old guy who can be a bit cocky for his age but because he used to be good looking and he is very educated, he knows a lot about everything, and hey, we need a few of those snobs, to make other guys look good and humble in a normal country. In Switzerhell all old men think they are still God's gift to, not only women, but the world. How dare all these old men think they rule the world? I know.. because they do. Ok so rich old men can do anything they want, even stink and stare. I have nothing against old men who are educated, have done great in life and are a bit cocky. I don't even have anything against any old man, funny or not. Swiss old men though are neither smart nor funny! And when you know how they think, what they do on their free time, it makes me sick. Swiss people can not be considered people by non-Swiss standards. They are a breed of filth.


Women are not even women. How can they even take the crap they take from their husbands and boyfriends? Small things that I can see all the time, at the gym: When a couple works out, the man still walks around and stares at other women, and even goes to work out near a woman that intrigues him, goes to look at her from up close like monkeys used to do back in the primitive jungle days. His wife is working out somewhere, waiting for him to do his round. Meanwhile how dare she talk to a man while hers is elsewhere. If she dares, the guy will let her know it's wrong later. The Swiss don't fight in public so if the woman does talk to some guy or stares at some dude when her husband is looking, he will make her pay at home. The woman who sees her man go up to another woman cannot say anything. It's the law... As for me who is sometimes the other woman who would rather be left alone, I wish these Swiss bitches would keep their husbands on leashes. They wouldn't know what that means. They have the right to vote and to work. Swiss men say now that they have the right to shut up. Swiss women don't mind it. They love that pseudo protection of their husband. Of course when a Swiss or a foreigner attacks the couple once, then the woman realized how much protection she really has, when she sees her husband run away, leaving her while someone is beating her up. A lot of times, sadly, these are the few women who then realize that they are stronger than they thought as women, and wake up from their long Swiss brainwashed sleep. the problem though is later they will show their confidence and men will break her because how dare her woman be confident?

Swiss society also tell women that when they have a man they love, it's an accomplishment so they better do anything and everything to keep him. So the woman will put up with the fake Swiss macho crap ( Swiss men might have the macho attitude of a strong non-Swiss Southern-European guy, but barely the moral and physical strength of a sheep, but it's all about the image). I also know that if these women want to keep a man, they don't fuss too much about anything because these sick childlike men can't take too much! If their woman says the wrong thing, they start holding a grudge. They are extra sensitive because they don't know who they are. Women have been put in a box so they just learn who they are supposed to be and how they're supposed to act. They have another fear engrained in their brains, which is that if they don't do everything to keep their man, there might never get another one! In couples, women who are beaten up often stay because of the fact that they're afraid of not finding another man. They can always leave and get a job. Any job will get them a decent salary to be able to survive, even with children. So the money is rarely the issue n Switzerhell. It's the fear, the famous fear. It could be the fear of not finding another man, or the fear of their man harassing them or killing them if they leave. You think in the US, a woman can't get help at the police station, when she has been beaten up? Well try Switzerhell! Cops will laugh and might not even acknowledge her presence in the first place.

Anyway, what a great country! A few North American men flee to Switzerhell to enjoy the sick rights that they don't have as much of in the US. The men who can't stand being sued for staring at their female co-worker or their neighbor, or worse, who miss the good old days when they could get away with hitting their own woman. All these sickos of the world gather in Switzerhell. Even Swiss Press now admits that there is a lot of violence in couples ! The law is still : if you get beaten up by your boyfriend it's your fault, you chose the boyfriend, it's a free country! You had to choose better! and in any case it's always the woman's fault, the woman always provokes the man to hit her, rape her, or kill her! As a woman in everyday life, with men that you know, you have to be extra clear if you don't want anything else than friendship! No games, no flirting, no jokes. Otherwise it gives them the right to rape you. Since you know the guy, you clearly must have provoked him, or given him signs that you wanted him. That’s the law, and I'll tell you what, men live by it, if you know a man, if you have repetitive conversations with him for whatever reason, work, hobbies, sport, etc, you, as a woman have to be very careful not to flirt or give any sign that you might be open to anything.... Because that gives them the right to attack basically!! And be ware not to defend yourself, because if you hurt the man ( God forbid a woman hurting a man), you will be arrested!! Yes it is a beautiful country! Well I always say look at the bright side: there are many Swiss men who are not able to get it up that quickly to rape a woman. I have, thank god never slept with a Swiss guy , except maybe my first boyfriend who was of Italian origin, but I have heard many female conversations where they mentioned some of the things they had to do to put their man in the mood. I won't get into it because this is not an x-rated book, but I can tell you that for young couples these stories were pretty sad. I personally have been in situations where if I had repetitive conversations with a particular man, I could feel I had to be careful how I behaved and the vibe I was giving off, not to send him sexual or interested signals. And I have also luckily, been in situations where I could feel the guy was so awkward that he wouldn't have known how to begin.

I am also amazed at how much Swiss females love their roles, their "victim, protected only by their husbands" roles. If you tackle their status and say that they're weak, that things should change, that they should fight for more rights, they will start yapping away, screaming that if you're not happy it's not their fault, because that's how they express their frustration, yapping, screaming, but would never take action against a man who attacked them or showed them disrespect! They wouldn't dare or want to! If you yap and scream you fit right in! I did it a few times and felt really dumb but when you know that if you raise your voice, or god forbid your hand, you'll be arrested... you tend to let it out another way. For a woman to express herself by talking things out, making a man seem less smart than them is abnormal and dangerous. Again, since things are hidden in Switzerhell, no man will attack the woman on the spot if insulted, but someone will follow her and backstab her at some point.

Women are on the planet to please men. They can have a career but have to stay good Swiss women in every other way, for them to find a man and therefore be accepted by society. So of course women have to do their best to look good. In some cultures, women naturally love to look their best, and go out of their way to do it. But the Swiss are lazy. Swiss women often don't want to wear make-up, loose weight, dress well. It is a chore for many of them to look their best. Of course the vast immigration population from Southern Europe give these Swiss women competition because Southern European women tend to enjoy spending time getting prettier and prettier. Swiss women have to work harder to keep up. At the gym, women are trained to look their best without seeming to have worked on it... well that's everywhere, light make-up , the hair is done, the outfit is tight and brand new, the tennis shoes are the latest fashion or close to it, the perfume is on...If a man stares, whatever the man, whether women like it or not, they're supposed to smile nicely back at the man. The man of course has the priority on work out machines, because man is stronger than woman... And even if biology says men are stronger, then that should mean that men use more weight when they work out on these machines. Whenever they see me putting more weight on a machine then them, I can be sure that the dude is going to bug me in some kind of way, like taking my towel off my machine and use it, if I walk away for a minute. Weight lifting in Switzerhell is considered a stupid sport. Well of course it is not really a Swiss sport and the Swiss are not good at it so it is stupid to them. They still think that if a man has a lot of muscles, then he automatically has no brain. That's why they work out light maybe, or maybe they're just lazy... They work out so light I keep wondering why they go to the gym. Choose another sport! Go outside, you have all those mountains around you, go run, hike, lift rocks! A few of them do of course, once a week, once a month or less. Many towns near forests have built outdoor free work out circuits, with all kinds of fun equipment made of wood or metal where you can do all kinds of exercises. There are even signs that tell you the exercises that you can do at that particular post. I use to use that thing when I was little, a lot. You would think that people would use these free available tools! Hardly! I think it's a great thing! I think the German invented it! A lot of times, these trails are one around...And they go to the gym to pull half a kilo... or just about! That goes to show you that they go to the gym to meet people. There are people across the globe who would love to have these outside equipment, free, to work out. The Swiss don't even use their trails to run and nor hike that much. They are spoiled idiots. They don't know how to take advantage of what is in the country, whether it is equipment, wealth, education or other people from other cultures. The Swiss just sit there, learn nothing, want nothing to change, want nothing new, and get vicious when people do different things in front of them.

At the gym, I can tell who is Swiss or non-Swiss, just by feeling their vibe. I don't have to look at them for hours or stare, don't have to listen to them speak. I am not psychic, anyone who is a bit sensitive will feel it. The Swiss will invade your space with their gross and invading presence as they come really close too you to show you they exist, or stare so much that you can feel the looks weighing on you! They have such a filthy vibe whether they stare or not. Sometimes it's because they are so insulted that a person would not acknowledge them by staring back at them like everyone else that they get upset and one can feel that. Because the Swiss are not very expressive, they keeps all that anger in and it becomes very heavy. The Swiss are not used to seeing someone who feels good and happy especially at the gym because for them, the working out part of the gym is painful. I personally love the gym, working out. It drives them nuts that someone would feel good at the gym. It's a disease : these people are so filthy inside , their minds and spirits, that they have to spread the disease in order to feel good. So if you feel good, they will mess with you, by stealing your weights, using your machine when you're not looking, without asking, making stupid comments out loud about you with their friends. They'll do anything to make your life miserable, even at the gym! Yes they are sad miserable people. But for me who lived there for so many years, I couldn't believe the amount of crap they put me through everywhere, for no decent reason! Living in that country for me is worst than being on drugs. You are hooked on crack, you have highs and lows. I had a few highs with my dogs. If you're on crack, you feel like you can't get out because that thing brings you down. That part is exactly the way I feel living in Switzerhell. If you get out of it, you really can't touch it ever again. That is what I hope, to get out forever and not have to touch that country ever again.

I maybe over-react to their stares some days. Like sometimes, one guy won't stop staring: In the US, if you look at the guy in a sort of aggressive way, he looks away and "got the point" that the woman doesn't like it or him! I also know American men don't like to be stared at by other men especially ( unless they like it). In Switzerhell people must like it when you stare at them, whether it's in a nice way or an aggressive way, because nothing will stop the ancient custom. When I have a dude staring non stop, I so can't stand it, I won't give him the pleasure to talk to him or yell at him for staring, he'd be too happy! Men love it when they can get a woman upset. So I leave the area. I make sure I stay away from the guy for the rest of the work out. If he comes near me again I leave, and go somewhere else. I can always adapt my work out and work with other equipment than I had planned. I can feel the different vibe from people from the US, Indians, sometimes British, Asian cultures for sure, Canadians, and even South Americans at the gym or in public context. I don't feel any vibe from them because they mind their business, and me mine. I sometimes don't see them. I love that! I must admit sometimes when there are too many Swiss around who stare, and if I feel one guy or even woman who leaves me alone, I go closer to that person, I follow them when I feel really in need of "normal people". They might then feel my invasion. I then become my enemy in a way. It's my way to deal with the situation. The only other way for me to deal would be not to go to the gym in Switzerhell. If I go, I have to adapt: I like to stretch sometimes in between sets, and put my leg on something to stretch a hamstring, but I have to be careful never to put the leg too high unless I have many "allies" around, or I can be sure someone will come and bug me or talk to me like they think I want attention or a man, or like I am showing off. Showing off is never a good idea in Switzerhell, it will bring you trouble, jealous people who will express their jealousy. The Swiss only express a few feelings, and they are the negative ones. When I do stretch, I make sure I don't look at anyone, make sure I don't look sexy at all as I always dress in baggy sweat pants over there! Some men stretch as well in between sets. They don't get stared at. Some women too, just rarely in between sets. They know how it works and they don't feel the need to stretch that bad, so they do it at the end on a mat, or at home. If I am going to pay to go to the gym, I want to be able to work out the way I always do, or close to it. In the US, people look discreetly that I don't feel them looking, which is fine! All I want is not feel that ugly invading vibe of unhappy frustrated people who only tolerate people acting all the same way all the time.

You take men in the United States: aside from the fact that they are used to the laws of sexual harassment, which keep them from staring, annoying, harassing, bothering, insulting and attacking women, unless they really can't help it... When I was living in that great country, when there was one man staring in a weird way once or twice, it was no big deal to me. In Europe, men stare, bug, annoy, bother, harass and insult women on a daily basis. Not only do they always get away with it, but it's a sport for them. Some, not all, women take it as a compliment. If no man bugs her in some kind of way, she then feels alone and rejected. The Swiss are like big children, only without the fun. Let's forget the fact that a woman like me who has lived in the US with the "luxury" of being left alone, of being able to go clubbing alone, dirty dance with a lot of men and then go home alone, without anyone bothering me. I got used to that. Let's say if you live in Europe then you have to adapt. Ok, I am doing my best and accepting that these men are really « predatory » and act dominant in a sick way. But for example when a woman falls down, not one of them goes to help her, when a woman is attacked on a bus , the other men run away, and so on.. Well that's how it always is in Switzerhell. At least Latin men, Italian and Spanish ( for Europe Latin cultures are Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Southern French , too tends to be included in there sometimes as the French language comes from Latin as well), will not only defend a woman who needs help on the street, but they will go out of their way to protect a woman in danger, whether she is from their family or not. I hear men can be like that in Germany too, funny enough. Not in Switzerland. In the US, women get the best of both worlds. I personally have been "saved" by men when I needed it several times. I know the US are not perfect, there are still women who get raped, insulted and harassed and men get away with it, but I think these cases are a small percentage compared to most countries in the world. What is dreadful about Switzerhell is that the world doesn't know about it. It's got that great image where everything is perfect. Well it's not only not perfect, it's disgusting. Would you like to live in a country where men can do pretty much anything to you , and you can't do anything about it legally? In a country where you get attacked and can't do anything about it and have that same country pretend to be up on women's rights? When you know that men have a lot more rights, and then have this same country wave the flag of human rights to the world? Have the same country care so much about its image to the world, that they open their doors to political refugees and give them free lodging, food and money, men mostly, funnily...If you're a woman living there, you better get a husband, a rich man preferably to keep the other bastards away! Well sure that sounds great, but when you know how men think and act, it makes it very tough to be attracted to one! Plus physically, the Swiss would not win the world beauty prize....As a matter of fact, last year Mr Swiss ( the most attractive or supposed to be...) was a black man, cute, but have seen many more gorgeous black men around the world! I have yet to see a Swiss man that looks really hot...They are a few in Switzerhell but not of Swiss origin.

Sundays are the worst days at the gym: All the ugly f**** who either can't get laid nor find a woman who can love them, or who have a wife who doesn't want to f*** . Well they come to the gym and watch everything that's female as if it ( female are things for many) could be their meal of the evening. And with me, I get lots of looks because they wonder about me, they wonder if they want me or not because I am different yet not gorgeous and obvious. So they stare and stare wondering if I could be what they are looking for... They gross me out so much. In the US there are some ugly dudes at the gym, but you know what, they have either a sense of humor or some spirit that will make them not so bad looking when they start talking. I am talking in general here of course. But in Switzerhell men are dull as dull gets. So when you got ugly plus dull, and then you know how they think about life, dogs, women, etc. It then totally grosses me out!!! I can't even take their presence! In the beginning when I was in Switzerhell as an adult, I would fight, I would stare at them and ask: "What do you want?" and then they'd start saying : nothing, I want nothing, or they'd start calling the club manager that I was rude and it always works there, when a woman is rude to a man... I almost got thrown out of the last gym I was a member of!

These people have no life. The Swiss spend so much time trying to find out everybody's business that their life can't be interesting, otherwise they wouldn't have time to spy and get into people's lives. When they catch themselves spying on each other, they come up with some goofy excuse and become "friends" and start talking about their lives as if there was something to envy, to pity, or to learn...

Don't you love a culture where cops run you over with their cars, then yell at you as you lie on the ground with your leg in triple pain ( you're 14 years old walking to school...), turns out your knee is twisted and you'll have to walk with crutches for 2 months and keep a weak knee just to remind you the event all the time. After that accident, I had to walk with crutches for 2 months where everything was tough My school had a lot of stairs everywhere ( the schools were definitely not designed for handicapped people). Having one parent, a mother, who was working, couldn't drive the kid to school every morning, so a taxi had to be ordered every day, at least twice, sometimes 4 times since we always would come home for lunch. That alone was quite a lot of money. The chief of police ( yes not just a cop!), who had insurance for that kind of thing, didn't want to make his insurance pay as he said it was the teenager's fault, walking on that village street which had no sidewalk, a little too far away from the side of the street ( forgive the kid if she was walking with a friend which means she couldn't lick the walls, and trust me she wasn't in the middle of the street, dancing around!). Chief of police, not only blamed the girl for the accident and didn't pay a dime, but made no apology whatsoever. A few years later, another cop, father of the rapist, who had heard about the accident, was quick to make a dangerous little joke ( that's what they call their crimes when they miss: jokes) while driving on the same road where the girl used to walk to go to school, drove so close and so fast , to the girl that this time she could have been killed, but she was alone with Shiva so she heard the car coming and ran into a driveway to avoid the car.

The chief of police with a great reputation (...), 5 years after the accident, saw the girl with her dog on the street facing his building ( he lived in a 5 story house with many apartments. The dog was pooping. The girl was used to picking up ( no big deal to her), scooping the poop. Chief of police who just opened his window , yelled at her and asked her if she would like it if he came to take a shit ( he used that kind of language) in front of her house. She scooped as he kept yelling and ( insulting her and her dog . Do you get the picture, the chief of police in a nice little town in Switzerland? I wish I could say that town was an exception...That girl, with all her anger inside, has done nothing against that individual to take revenge. The problem in that country, if you live there long enough there are so many scumbags you would need to take revenge on that it would be too much work. But some will say Swiss people must be really nice to take that kind of crap from cops and other people. Well the law of the strongest is part of the culture. You have to make sure you are much stronger to take revenge without anything happening to you afterwards. Witnesses who saw the accident of me getting hit by the chief of police's car, hid behind their curtains, and only talked about what they saw at the dinner table. Why would they help or get involved? Switzerland screams out to the world how much it helps the poor. How much its people give to charities around the world... Well the government gives a lot compared to how much people give (well people give a bit of their fat salaries to charity to show how good they are and to avoid paying too much taxes, plus it makes them feel good as giving money is easier than helping people in person, making efforts and getting involved, they don't know how to do that). However if you're a victim of someone stronger in society ( cop or rich man), no one will help you! Do you like this country yet? Precious, right?

Image is everything.

The Swiss think that being polite is the only thing they need to do to be " good people". If they are polite then they get the respect they need by their society and forget the rest. If they lie, spy on other's lives, steal, run over animals on the street, spend their lives making other people's lives a living nightmare, all that doesn't matter as long as they are polite! That's their label and can nobody touch it because it's the only virtue in the country! And boy is that important, to be polite, when you 're a scumbag! Well if you're a woman, you have to have that extra touch of sweetness and victim-like behavior to get a good grade in society, even if on your free time you volunteer to help your husband backstab your neighbors. The image, the facade, the wall they are putting up for the world overpowers their personality. It's more than an act, because that would mean playing a role, and the word playing is a bad word in Switzerhell, but it's like they're so aching to be little soldiers that they need to lash out on others, in the "dark" because that's easier and safer for them. Of course they fantasize on lashing out on bigger fish than them in public, but it will rarely happen. The satisfaction they get from backstabbing makes them content. But if you don't dig in the Swiss society, you might only get the lame picture of: "boring, polite with perfume". A clean look with perfume is very important. Only the look is clean and only the perfume smells good. Don't get too close!


There is a wave of articles in the papers about how surprised people are to learn about the amount of discrimination on people with Aids in the country. The Swiss discriminate against everything, in silence and in the comfort of their backstabbing. Switzerhell has another famous hypocrisy. It is the fact that they swear on human rights' graves, that everyone has the right to privacy, and that all information about everyone is kept a secret. Well it is true for some rich men, but for most of us, we are open books for whoever decides to sneak in our personal data. The fact of having Aids should be confidential. It is funny how many people with Aids are fired right and left. I heard a foreigner on the radio say:" It is unbelievable to have , in a civilized country like Switzerland, so much discrimination on people with a disease which is scientifically proven to not be contagious in other ways than bodily fluids. " This goes to show you how much people who live in the country don't know about how the Swiss really are! There are so many foreigners who live in their bubbles and don't know anything about who the Swiss really are. I will never say it enough. I have to say that I had a glimpse at the real Swiss, being a single woman, but my dog Shadow opened a new window for me to see deeper in these people's core. I thank him for that. That dog taught me things that are essentials in life, things that I would never have learned in a lifetime on my own in Switzerhell. That dog knew more about life than any Swiss. It may sound harsh, and for people who like dogs but have never let themselves meet any great ones, I need to stress the fact that a Swiss person can teach you pain, guilt, fear, maybe a hint of satisfaction and recognition, but never the deeper truth about this life. There fortunately are great people in the world, along with great dogs ( I had two), but not in Switzerland. I am convinced that my two dogs got even better when we lived in the US together for a wile. Shadow had the hardest time coming back to Switzerhell, even if he was only in the US for one year. I should have never come back. And I came back for my dogs to have a garden as my mother had promised to buy a house and have me rent it. It was my Swiss fear that brought me back, not only my mother's fault. I was afraid of not being able to find a way to get papers to live in the US. I was afraid to be broke and illegal, which I was very close to being. I should have had faith, trust.


The gym in Switzerhell has taught me or reinforced some thoughts I had about the Swiss, that I wouldn't have experienced in any other situation. The gym is the only place I need to go for my own health and sanity, even if it means being not only close to Swiss physically, but also interacting forcibly, and therefore noticing many little things about the Swiss. At the gym, they are not at work so they are closer to their true nature. Nature is such a beautiful term that I hate to use it while talking about the Swiss. There is nothing natural about those people. Everything is unnatural, insane and awkward.

Trying to make fun of the Swiss has always been my goal so I would be able to use their stupidity and viciousness for entertainment. First of all after all the crap they put me and my dogs through, I can't feel anything but disgust for these people. Second, I also used to be like them in some areas, and sometimes afraid that I would change back and be as disgusting as them again. So I have a hard time making fun of them, like some foreigners can. However I try, on good days to talk to some foreigners as if I was one, and I can on occasions make fun of them. At the gym for example:

Ladies, there is always a scum at the gym, right? That one guy who stares like a retard and we wish he were one because retards are harmless. That one guy you are not sure you should avoid or report to the front desk, that one guy who pretends to work out but doesn't really, so you wonder why he is at the gym, sitting on machines and looking around, in between sets. Usually very ugly skinny guy, you do your best to ignore him but he keeps popping up at every corner or in the vicinity all the time... Well imagine a gym with only guys like that! Top it off with a filthy bad odor! That's the gym in Switzerhell! Can you picture it? Some would say: don't go to the gym if it's that bad! Yes that would be the logic and sane thing to do, but I need to work out especially with weights and machines at least a few times a week. These people look at me like I am nuts, I run away from men when they are using a machine that is too close to me. They think: But why isn't she feeling good here? ( wait while I puke) Is she shy? ( wait while I get an oxygen mask). Is she a lesbian? ( I wish they would think that, but wait, they're curious and it might make them come closer ). My only way to have them less on my case would be for me to work out like them ( horribly wrong, sit on the machine in between sets so the blood doesn't move too much) and blend in ( smile and pretend to love working out around them ( yuck!). I dream of an American gym...any... even a Harlem gym where women want to pull my eyes out and most men look at me like I am in the wrong neighborhood ( have been there). Really I 'd rather have that! I know it's not much of a better world but really the gym is my thing; it's the place where it's usually hard to make me feel uncomfortable. If I was yearning for attention, I would feel happy in Switzerhell, but who wants the attention of scumbags who have never seen anything and who stare like no animal has the patience to! I love a good American gym where there are people to joke around with on occasions but who otherwise are into their workouts. I so yearn for normal people working out, and not going to the gym to chat 80% of the time and stare at others. I love to be stared at by cows only in Switzerhell. I would love to replace the punks at the gym, by cows. It would be fun. We could put some grass in between machines. I would enjoy that very much.



I love cows. That was another reason why I moved to that scum ( the people) village with my 2 dogs where everyone villager tried to make us move out. There were cows around the village, in fields, and when I went hiking up through the forest, I would then get to another bunch of cow fields. It was sometimes tricks to pass through the fields as the cows were always attracted by my big dog, who I think they thought was a calf. So yes me and the dogs did have some nice long healthy walks around that scum village. Every single morning I would hike up the hill to the forest, for an hour and a half to two hours. I sure did advantage of the location, whether these f**** tried to mess with us or not. Actually once we had gone through the dirty village, we usually only had to deal with one or two dirt-bags in the forest. So yes me and the dogs did get some great daily workouts there. The scum villagers make our life a living hell but I was fighting to get us some good moments to ourselves, whether it was in the forest, in the mountain or when our studio door was closed and it was only the 3 of us for the evening. I would put earplugs on, or the TV on, and wouldn't hear the bastards trying to make annoying noises.

There was a rich bitch in this scum village who took the train very often. She did and still wants the world to know that she is rich so she wears really expensive clothes and jewelry and she shows everyone by bringing with her pieces of paper towel ( the expensive kind) which she puts on the train seat before sitting down. The Swiss may be dirty because they don't take showers every morning ( every Swiss I have come across takes a shower at night but in the morning they get up and go! But since the Swiss spend millions on their image, they do keep the trains clean, the streets clean in most places. So the lady is obviously a little nuts to protect her old ass with paper towel on relatively clean seats! She is an older lady, a little fat ( according to European standards), long blond hair ( probably grey under there), and thinks she is cleaner than everybody! I remember talking to a colleague in the train and this woman was sitting there, and I must have uttered a swear word or two and she very obviously went to sit somewhere else. She therefore made the point that she is superior to us little people who utter an f-word or two before certain words when we want to make a statement. My colleague was British, so this lady wanted to show that she didn't like foreigners either. The point here is that this lady who is a nobody except a fat wallet, behaves as she was superior, cleaner than anyone else.... That reminds me of the two men who were sitting in second class in the train ( first class is usually for people who don't want too much noise around or just to say they travel in first the train...): It was a busy hour and the train was very crowded. I sat down beside them as I saw a seat available. They started talking to each other : They were saying that they should have run to first class at the train station because it was horrible to sit with little people or rather the people as opposed to the Elite who travels first class! I was shocked and thought it can't be, they must be joking as they were quite young, but the more I listened the more I realized how serious and how pathetic they were! They were then saying that it was a "change" for them to sit with the little people, and at the next station they ran out and ran to first class. They were not joking I can swear it. Trust me the Swiss don't have a sense of humor and when they do they make it very obvious and it's ridiculous!

There are a lot of rich foreigners in Switzerhell and some of them are smart and don't ever feel the need to mix with the Swiss or even know anything about their culture, which I totally understand. They however don't feel superior. The Swiss who made it to the same money as those foreigners think that they are as smart, and superior... It's sad! The kind of Swiss who makes big money and who feels the need to show off his superiority and needs to hurt the ones who don't have as much to feel alive, by making nasty comments in public succeed in doing it in a polite way. The Swiss insists on being polite, so he won't insult a poor person for being poor, but he talk to this friends out loud with a smile and proper French ( the words are proper, not the accent) to try to humiliate the poor for not having the clothes, the car, first class, the house or the boat, because of lack of achievement in life.


The Swiss are so polite...

The Swiss always say how polite they are and how other countries are not. If you want to insult them tell them they are impolite they will go nuts. Another way to insult them is to ignore them, anywhere, in public when you pass near them. Their culture says "stare", or at least look at people, all the time. The Swiss will see it as a compliment if you get into their space. No Swiss ever says "excuse me" when they enter your personal space. If you keep your distance on purpose they'll feel insulted. It's the sheep mentality and the "acknowledge me I am alive" mentality. In all countries where men stare at women, old men tend to have some pride and don't stare as much. Swiss old men think they are still hot and stare with that confident style that your average Joe of a normal country doesn't even dare putting out!! It's disgusting and humiliating for the whole country. Then you have the vibe that goes with the stare of older men. A person like me who has felt this crap vibe from many men in my life in Switzerhell, when I go to the US and get stared at by some guys, I don't even see it nor feel it, because the Swiss carry that disgusting heavy vibe of the primitive caveman that says: " hello, I am here , I am a man, I'm strong, look at me, look at me look at me!!! They don't stare because a woman is beautiful necessarily, they stare if the woman didn't acknowledge them or didn't smile at the man as she should be delighted that a man is looking in her direction! They are so not confident deep inside that they need reassurance from women all over the place! Sure you can say: oh poor men! Well the law is so on their side when they harass , insult or rape women that at no point am I going to feel sorry!

Swiss society is made of frustrated vicious evil people. The only thing that saves me besides their engrained fear, is that they have many rules in Switzerhell and most of these evil men and women still follow some of their ancestral rules like little soldiers. Some pretend to follow them and don't but they pretend so well that everybody thinks they follow the rules. I personally follow the rules that make sense. I don't tell the Swiss that, because that would tell them that I dare think I am smarter than them. I have had to take their crap for so long because I was born Swiss with 2 Swiss parents. My father died, maybe to save me, give me more freedom. If he had been there, I wouldn't have been able to come to the US, because he wanted me to go to university in Switzerhell, plus I wouldn't have had the money to go to the US. For my father there was no thought of the possibility of going to another country. My mother is the kind of Swiss that loves to travel, to come back and tell everyone about her trips. She was a teacher and teachers were allowed to get a paid sabbatical year every 10 or 20 years of teaching, so she wanted to use it and travel. Thanks to her and circumstances, I got to escape from hell and see that there was another, better world out there at the age of 12. A lot of Swiss travel, go on vacation, even take a year here and there to go live in another country, but their Swiss minds are so made of filthy metal bares that nothing good from the culture of the new country they are visiting sinks in. It's like their minds grow from childhood in a metal box, a Swiss metal which is the same for everyone so everyone ends up thinking the same with the same logic. The only thing that makes their individual personality is maybe the likes of different colors , sports, or careers. If one person, me in this case goes outside of the country at a young age and starts breaking that Swiss metal box, they start freaking out, either they gang up against that person and make fun of her/him, or they start getting nervous and make her/his life miserable to show who is in "power" in their country. The Swiss are a primitive and evil people. You might say: there are evil people everywhere in the world. I'll say: yes, but they are countries where evil people are a majority and countries where they are a minority. Like in the US, there are whackos and evil folks, but the majority points them out, doesn't ignore them and let them live their rich little lives! Aside from the fact that pedophiles in Switzerhell have a law that protects their privacy, there is a law that says : everyone is entitled to have their criminal records "protected", so no one can know if their neighbor is a criminal or not, especially when it's a man. At the same time, as Switzerhell is the land of hypocrisy, when the person is a woman alone or not a rich foreigner, the cops will tell the village all about her past so that everyone knows everything. That's how they like it. But a Swiss or a rich foreigner will be able to live his life ( it's rarely a "her") with his fat criminal record, be very polite in society and all the villagers will love him! "Oh what a very polite and nice man!" they will say, and feel good about the fact that they are saying something nice about somebody. Hello criminals of the world, pedophiles and rich scumbags! If you can seem polite with everyone you come across, come to Switzerhell! Polite doesn't require much for the Swiss. All you have to do is say hello, smile, say thank you and you're welcome, and maybe an occasional: how is the weather going to be like tomorrow( the Swiss talk about the weather A LOT since they don't have much to talk about) , they will love you. They'll talk crap behind your back but they'll leave you alone for a while. If you're a woman you better be married or be ready to take their bullshit ( no laws to protect women ), show them the money and the fact that you're a foreigner will be appeased. They don't like foreigners but there is a sacred rule that almost every Swiss learns at an ealry age: if they are richer than you, let them be! Go pick on the poor! As kids, it's fun. to pick on the poor I mean. I was living in a town by a lake for a year and a half, in a very modest apartment building, where a lot of working poor lived. I know since salaries are pretty good, the working poor is not that poor, but they are poor people who work but have to spend all their money to pay debts or to raise a family of 5 or more. I used to walk my dog Shiva in the neighborhood. There were these 2 young girls, maybe 16 years old. I was 34. They came from another neighborhood of nice homes. They would hang out there, nothing to do, I guess. They started to bark at me, then make fun of my little dog, of my clothes , then insulting me because they were frustrated that I didn't respond. I didn't say anything at first, but when it happened more than 3 times, I started talking back and warning them. One day, they came inside my building on the ground floor. They were whispering like they were ready to do something. There was no one else around. I put my little dog in the cellar and I came to confront them by myself. As soon as they saw me they started insulting me, I then wanted to put an end to this so I took one of them and dragged her outside and I kicked the other one in the leg as she was trying to grab me. They were more shocked than anything. They never thought an older than them, woman, from a modest building, would dare touch them. They thought I would get scared. They started screaming : we're calling the cops! I then had to go to the police station to file a complaint against 2 girls whose names I didn't know before they called their rich parents, went to the cops and started lying about what they were doing in my building. I knew if I hadn't gone to the cops, I would have been if not arrested, called in! The cops would have believed their rich parents, and I would have been fried. I never heard from the cops. In the US, I lived in areas where young kids would hang out, and never have I been insulted nor talked to in a bad way. I just mind my own business and in the US, everyone respects that. I never looked for trouble, why would they start trouble with me? In Harlem, I remember that one Porto Rican guy ( he looked Porto Rican and was wearing a big Porto Rican Flag on his t-shirt), about 28 years old, near a children playground. There was a bare where people could do pull ups. I would sometimes take the dogs for a walk there and do a few pull ups. If I say kids in the playground, I would tie the dogs up while I was doing the pull ups. This would only take 5 or 10 minutes. This guy came near me, and told me I couldn't have my dogs there, and threatened to kick my dogs. I know he was strong and could have done damage as he probably saw that even my big dog wasn't ferocious. When he threatened to kick my dogs, all the hatred from Switzerhell came back to me, and I wanted him 5 miles underground, but I should have left right away. I was in Harlem after all. But I felt all the hatred and I stayed there arguing with him. I told him that I had one more set and I was gone, and that he should just try to hit my dogs and see what happens... I was furious, I didn't think of the possibility of his gang being around the corner, or a possible gun in his pants, or whatever, I was not thinking straight anymore. But he didn't even do a thing to us, he just yelled as we were leaving: " You white people have everything you want! I am sick of that sh**". It was funny for me to hear that, as I was on a visa, with very little money, babysitting for some extra cash, while he had a green card or an American passport as a Porto Rican, able to work legally in the country.

Other than that, in the US, the worst was being whistled at from young outside construction workers. I still think it's a compliment! (even more when I am getting older!) I know some American women get offended. They don't know how good they have it in the US. In Paris young kids who knew I am was living alone, used to ring my bell over and over and run away, for days. In Geneva, I once got insulted as I was riding my bicycle because of my boots. I had ugly ( I guess they must have been ugly) rain boots with flowers on them and lots of colors. A girl who was walking with her friend, also 16 or 17, yelled: "Waoo nice boots, ( laughing, sarcastic) what the f*** do you think you're doing with these ugly boots bitch?" ( well translation from French). I didn't say anything, didn't stop. Some young kids take it for granted that they are rich and nothing has ever happened to them, that they can insult others and get away with it because of their Swiss money. They didn't know me, had never seen me. They weren't bullying someone they knew was weak. I knew for a fact that, had I had the time and the desire to get off my bike, I could have kicked her young Swiss ass so bad she would have remembered me for all her life. But I didn't. I needed to get back to my dogs. She was lucky. She won't insult a guy like that, but she thought a woman would never do anything to her. What I love in the US is that people are careful. They don't insult someone they don't know on the street, for no good reason , especially not for a pair of boots that they thought was ugly!!! Because people dress in many different ways in the US, and I don't think that's only for big cities, people don't really notice clothes, unless they like them. I have gotten only compliments on certain clothes in the US. As in Switzerhell if they like the clothes you're wearing, they will not say anything but envy you, sometimes hate you. If they don't like your clothes, they will let you know by staring while laughing at least.


In 2008, one of the Kadhafi sons, Hannibal, was arrested in a Geneva hotel, because two of his employees a man and a woman, had claimed that they were beaten and mistreated by their boss and his wife, in their hotel suite in Switzerland. The house employees probably heard from someone that they could file a complaint and the Swiss would arrest the "bad" foreigners who beat people up in hotel rooms, which the Swiss never do when the "bad" foreigners are wealthy. The police arrested the Kadhafi couple, not knowing who they were exactly... Well they got their passports and saw the names but the idiot cops without any knowledge didn't know really who they were arresting! So they treated the young couple like crap and they thought they were doing their jobs, plus they probably thought what a reward they would get for an international exposure of a country that protects the "poor" employees, even if they are foreigners. The Kadhafi couple stayed at a decent hotel but wore pretty casual clothing, so that the cops, hung up on "image" thought they were a not so wealthy Arab couple. The cops were enjoying slapping them around and thought that they would get recognition from their superiors for catching a big unimportant fish. The fish turned out to be not only important, but critical. As soon as their "superior" found out that they had arrested Mister Kadhafi's son.... I could only imagine the turmoil at the cop station! So they decided to go along with their little scam publicly and announced to the Press that in Switzerhell everyone was treated the same! Hahaha... Lol, caca boo! They thought their little booboo could be used in their advantage. Well it seems Libya is pretty upset and is boycotting Switzerhell, and even advising the Swiss to leave Libya. When you know how many rich criminals live peacefully in Switzerhell ( of course most Swiss people will deny that), this mistake that they decided to use to tell the world that human rights are respected in Switzerhell, came as a big joke. Hannibal said the police put a plastic bag on his face and held a gun to his head. Of course he is saying the truth because Swiss cops do that, but the Swiss want to insist on the fact that they are better, and the chief of police went on TV to deny what Hannibal said about happened to him and his wife at the police station. He said that they never did, nor do such things! At least if they knew how to lie, to act, but no he looked ridiculous, like a child who was told to lie.

Hypocrisy should be Switzerhell's surname:

Apartment buildings have supers in the US. The equivalence in Switzerhell is what they call: concierges ( trust me it has nothing to do with the qualities of a hotel concierge). You know concierges at the hotel right? It's pretty fancy, and the service they give is pretty amazing sometimes. Well, on the contrary, the Swiss concierges are of the worst breed of service. They get a high-five for hypocrisy. They pretend to be nice in the beginning when you move in, and they do it so well, they are well trained after all, that you believe them. You so want to be welcome that you think, woao this one could be different. No matter how many times you move, you always say that within the first month. Then, you have the ones who immediately go into your apartment when you're not there, to see what's in there. I never had any real valuables so I never had anything but important papers stolen. Some go in just because they can, they have the pass so they use it. If the neighbor happens to see him or her and ask why they went in, they have a zillion excuses all made up, ready to come out of their mouth. Then you have the ones who go into your mailbox and check your mail or take it if they're onto something like scaring you for some reason, or framing you or someone else. Then you have the ones who put oil in front of your door to make you slip, or slash your car tire if you're parked in the wrong spot. They have all the time in the world to think of crappy things to do to you. I can't even remember all the stuff they did to me, let alone come up with the stuff they do to other people. Obviously the ones we hate the least are the ones who only talk crap behind your back! But unfortunately those harmless ones don't exist anymore! Those were the good old days. I wonder if when one applies for a concierge job, one has to pass some hypocrite-scum-bag test to get the job! Otherwise they must go through some hypocrite-son-of-a-concierge training, I'm sure. Some Swiss have all the qualifications to be a concierge and they're not. That makes it harder to walk into someone's apartment and find a good excuse if someone sees them. The thing with the Swiss, they can waste so much time talking BS that they can persuade the incredulous that their visit was nothing but a helpful and friendly visit! I personally hate spending time talking to those people, so I know when someone walks into an apartment that doesn't belong to them, it's not a friendly visit. They're either the concierge or someone who scammed a way to get the key from the concierge or someone else. Identity theft hasn't happened to me yet, and maybe because I have become a loud barking-biting dog myself, a woman would think twice about stealing my identity. And she would be right. Living in Switzerhell is for me an ordeal. I cannot ignore the filth of these people and not care, live in a bubble. Well especially that I have dogs and I have to go on the streets, but even if I didn't have the dogs, I wouldn't be able to ignore that crappy society. I wouldn't know that much about it if I didn't have dogs to show me the true nature of these scumbags. In Switzerhell I trust that 30% of the population is half-decent and that includes mostly foreigners and a few scared religious Swiss. Yes it's sad and it's not pretty. The worst part for me is that all other countries don't know any of that, because the country spends so much money on its image, marketing and selling goodness... That makes me vomit. There are countries of which people have told me where life is uncomfortable and people are hypocrites, liars, thieves and criminals. Well at least those countries are "known" for all that. In those countries, life is usually tough money-wise. You thing there is no crime in Switzerhell? Until your daughter gets kidnapped and the cops who are well trained to lie, tell you that your daughter is the only girl who has been kidnapped in 30 years in that village.....right.... And most newly-arrived foreigners will believe them. There's crime and there's that filthy everyday life hypocrisy combined with zero minus zero fun, which makes living in that society yucky-yuck-yuck!! I wish there was a way for me to describe how disgusting it is to live in Switzerhell, a country where salaries are not bad, where the cities are not too big, where the quality of life could be great if if you'd replace the Swiss with Americans, Canadians, Indians, South Americans, Africans, and hell, even Italians!

Some say: Only in Switzerhell will you loose your hat in the forest and go there the next day and find it, either on the floor, or someone will have hung it on a tree branch. True, if it's an ugly cheap hat, you'll find it the next day. Someone probably pissed on it, but it will be there. It used to be a crime and a sin to steal. Stealing other people's stuff is more fun when it's in their house! Because burglaries happen more and more. They are still a number of Swiss who refuse to admit that their house could be robbed. Some Swiss are so in denial of their reality that they don't find it useful putting a double lock on their door, or even locking their front door when they're in the house. But indeed thieves go for the big expensive stuff. Swiss people used to learn not to steal other people's belongings back in the 50's. And some could say the Swiss are pretty good with that in public. The Swiss are not skilled nor fast enough to steal when other people are around. Well in the past, and still for some, people used to be paranoid about the fact that there is always someone watching them. You know that the Swiss spend their lives watching their neighbors' actions, so lots of people still think there is always someone watching somewhere even if you can't see them. Yes, your neighbors are watching you and everyone else on the street, ready to call the cops if you parked illegally or hit another car slightly while trying to park or get out of your parking spot. They won't call the cops if they see murder because that's too scary. All of a sudden, they disappear from their windows, but the Swiss are always there to make sure people around them aren't getting away with little s***! Petty crime, that is. So stealing a piece of clothing is such a small crime that people won't risk being seen or caught for that. But they themselves will take pride in the fact that they don't steal small useful clothing or objects. They will go abroad, even in France, right next door, and will experience having their purse stolen in public or even a scarf, a jacket. They will come back and tell all their friends what a lame people the French are because they steal everything. The Swiss backstab people on a regular basis, whether physically or verbally, which is to me a lot worse than stealing a hat if you need it, like some French do. It is annoying to the person that got her or his hat stolen but it is not a crime. The worse thing is that when the Swiss do steal, whether it is small items or bigger ones, they do it to annoy the person they stole from, not to use the object or sell it. They wouldn't know where to sell it anyway. I had a great hat stolen in France once, a hat that my mother had had for a long time. It was a certain style, something that I couldn't find in the stores. I loved that hat. Well I lost it on a dog walk in the winter, and I can bet on the fact that somewhere there is a girl or a guy wearing that hat. As in Switzerhell, I have had my mail stolen, and I can assure you that no one is wearing it....

The Swiss pride themselves on two things: Not stealing, and being polite. Everyone has to say: thank you, good bye, have a nice day/ night/ or whatever. If you miss one of the three, you are not polite and must be from out of the country! And the next opportunity that they have to remind you that you're not polite because you missed one of the three, they'll tell you : you foreigner, go home! ( they often tell me that because my accent is more French than Swiss), or they'll slash your tire because you parked in the wrong spot and won't feel the need to tell you, since you were not polite!! The Swiss will develop a viciousness against you if you were not polite ( and I am not talking about saying something nasty to them, but just not saying enough of the usual crap they're used to hearing) or if you stole a small thing that you might have been in need of. They'll open their mouth if you're a woman, and you'll hear the viciousness in their comments and insults, or they'll backstab you if you're a man or a woman: steal your mail, wake you up at night, call you and hang up ( yes they still do that as adults), scratch your car, break your window, and more. It goes from little things to bigger things. And since they have nothing going on in their lives, you may think they're done with you after they slashed your tire, but no, they'll come back two years later because they don't like the fact that you got a new car or that life is good to you in any kind of way.

Living among Swiss again as an adult and taking their crap, seeing them making my life miserable in every way they can, just because of small things like having a dog of a certain breed that they don't like, or driving with sun glasses when it's not sunny, etc. They have made me pay for little things like that, and they have made me pay in bigger ways, that I have grown a hatred that could make me not backstab them, like they expect, but make me want to wait for the right time and kill them not from the back, but face to face!

Swiss tourism is attracted by this old image that the Swiss tourist organization is maintaining. Europeans still come to Switzerhell on vacation because Switzerhell holds more money than their country and they like that feeling. They somehow think that by coming near all that money from all over the world, they will get some. It's also old fashioned and people are weirdly old fashioned. The stupidity of the Swiss attracts other Europeans who are curious and like to go home and talk about the Swiss by making fun of them, while at the same time having had a clean peaceful ( no one plays music anywhere except in concerts) vacation, even though they expected the service at the hotel to be's always true. Truth is the word is getting out that Switzerland sucks, and is full of filthy people, that tourism is actually going down . The Swiss tourism organizations attract people with money with lowering the tax rates for multinationals to have their headquarters in Switzerland. More and more companies are coming to Switzerhell for that reason. Their workers are forced to come live there. No one will ever say Switzerland has a bad image that they would refuse to move there to work. So those companies bring in a lot of working people who are from all over the world, who at first come there to enjoy life and soon realize that the Swiss are there to destroy life's little pleasures and leave them with the hope to go back home soon. The thing is they signed a work contract for a while and the salaries are good so they stay but they stay frustrated, and start talking crap about the Swiss at home when really they don't know half of the reason why the Swiss are scum and don't know the depth of it. When these foreigners who work there get frustrated by the Swiss, they get in their car and go on Swiss tourism trip that is as beautiful as they saw on the brochure ( and as beautiful as any nature trips on the planet), and automatically feel better. And then they go back to work, and they're feeling great for a month or two, until an event with a Swiss happens where they can't take it anymore that they go to the police and then see that the police don't really want to help them. Then they ask around to find out if anything like that ever happened to anyone. Of course it did. And then they start badmouthing the Swiss while staying in Switzerhell, and living more and more in their bubbles. As men, they can do that and be left alone for a while.

I am not one who hates cops in general. Men or women who decide to become cops should have strong convictions about making the world a better place, and if not the world, at least their town. There are many cops, in the US and Canada, I know, who are doing their best to do their job right. But in Switzerhell, there has yet to be one cop that I see and talk to who could prove to be a good cop. Some young Swiss cops who are just starting, are trying to just do their job. I can see how they are manipulated by the old ones into doing things that these young dudes are shocked to see and learn. Since cops run around in pairs, they always pair a young one and an old one. Young punks are shocked yet smiling at the thought of how much crap they can get away with. Some will tell you that 's not written in the handbook! There are few petty crimes in Switzerhell that cops will see and bother with unless the doer is a woman or a weak poor foreigner. There are special departments for "big crimes" that no regular cop is allowed to get into. Well whether it's the system or the cops themselves, Swiss cops are the mirror of that despicable country. I have heard plenty of stories, bits and pieces from various kinds of people. As a child, I remember my dad being scared when people from a sect ( the real estate agency has told us that our apartment had been rented out to some kind of sect or cult, before us ) would drive up to our house ( we lived in a house with two apartments, my parents were renting the one upstairs), they would get out of their van in their big loud boots and try to open our door with their old key. It was so scary. Luckily my parents had changed the lock. My father just told me they were a sect, a group and that I should never talk to them and should stay away from them. He said we had changed the locks so they shouldn't be able to get in. They only tried to come in about three times. I never understood why they came a second and third time, after they saw that their key didn't work. I was 6, and I never knew why my father never called the police. I have asked my mother later on but she is not a big talker about the past, she likes to skip that subject. She says she doesn't remember.

When my mother and I lived alone , we used to have these men ring our doorbells at night. Again, she never told me much about that either. When they used to ring , she used to tell me not to open the door, to stay away from the door or stay in my room. She would never open. I was scared when they were there behind the door but since my mother told me to forget about it, I did. It didn't happen every night, and since they would always go away after a while, I didn't worry about it that much, at least consciously. Again, she never called the cops, no idea why at the time. Knowing that back then people used to call the cops for little things and they used to come, to participate in the harassment or the beating up. I now know that my mother didn't call the cops because cops are always more dangerous than 2 or 3 dudes ringing the doorbell and hanging out behind our door. As an adult living alone, I now know that calling the cops if you're a woman, you're taking the risk of having them harass you more than them helping you unless you're bleeding to death... then they'll call the ambulance, they won't deal with it. My mother was and is Swiss in the way that she knows to better shut up, ignore things, forget about things than call for attention, which in any case won't help. Then we moved to a rabbit cage ( I call those houses that look the same and are attached to each other). It was actually a step up for us. We had a small piece of grass of our own, in the front and in the back. Frankly, the inside was pretty big for my mother and me. A lot of those houses were inhabited by families of 4 or 5. There were 4 rooms upstairs, small rooms but still 4! It was the biggest place I had ever lived in. There, we didn't have our doorbell rung by neighborhood dudes, but we were harassed by that cop whose son had raped one of my girlfriends. That cop would

Then, my mother got dirty phone calls from that cop's son. Yes she was getting a lot of these phone calls and she talked to two or three women of the neighborhood and they all confirmed it was the cop's son. Even three women, and they knew that they couldn't go to the police station because nothing would be done anyway. I am not sure one woman didn't try to go talk to the cops. It was only phone calls and they had to take it, or just hang up... Until I took the phone one day, I was 14 and had heard of a lot of sexual things that I wouldn't be scared of a little breathing, but this guy had a level of violence and dirtiness that I never had been exposed to. When I picked up the phone I listened and I remember being so shocked I couldn't move. I now understand what they mean by " paralyzing fear". I couldn't think, I couldn't move. I remember thinking I have to do something. I finally hung up. I still couldn't move. I thought to call the cop next door... I didn't know it was his son who had just called, probably from his house! I took the phone book and tried to turn the pages. I was still paralyzed, I couldn't turn the pages. I remember thinking: "Turn the pages, faster!" I was unable to do it fast. When I finally got to the right page, I dialed the number, trembling. He came to the door, rang the bell, I opened, explained a bit about the phone call without going into details. He told me it was just a phone call, told me not to worry, it was over...

When I had my first boyfriend, he would stop him when he was riding his moped ( old thing that looked like a big bicycle with a motor which didn't go very fast). My boyfriend didn't do anything wrong. You know how cops stop people they don't like, just to mess with them. In Switzerhell one can't drive a car before one is 18. So we used to have mopeds. I was always really careful not to get that asshole cop's attention. I was riding really slowly around the houses.

In the center of Geneva, a year ago, I saw cops beating up young African guys. The dudes weren't even resisting arrest or fighting back. They were beating them and asking them for information. People were walking by, not saying a word. I have asked people in Geneva, they say it happens a lot. They beat up poor guys, like foreigners, drug dealers, or poor Swiss. The cops beat them up and most of the time let them go after. I have heard from old established Swiss that there is no space for all those criminals in jails or police stations. That's why if they don't beat them up, they don't arrest them, they just let them run the streets and deal in public. The guys don't even hide to deal. I got a 200$ ticket for not having put a muzzle on my dog, but drug dealers can deal all day without hiding. Prostitutes can be all over the

streets ( not that I have anything against prostitutes but I have something against their clients!). By Swiss law, they are illegal but if registered, they are tolerated. It makes zero sense. The only sense it makes to the Swiss is that they know all prostitutes and can go ask for money or free favors when they feel like it. Prostitutes attract scum as it is. There is enough scum running around in Switzerhell. Geneva and Zurich have prostitutes from all over Europe and the world. There is a lot of money there, so many of them come to settle there, immigrate where all the dirty money flows. What they have to realize is that they might make a lot of money if they are loved by the rich scumbags of Switzerhell, but also, if a prostitute is killed, no one ever hears about it. A year ago, there was an article in the paper about a prostitute, which is rare, since Switzerhell sometimes pretends it has no prostitutes... The article said that a prostitute had punched a guy, and she of course got arrested.


When I was 26, I lived in Paris for 6 months. I worked as a receptionist at a language school and one of the women who worked there brought her puppy one day. He was the cutest thing I had seen ever. I then got my first dog, a similar puppy three weeks later. I then went home to my mother's house for a vacation and as we were walking along the path from my mother's house to the car, the cop's dogs, 2 Belgium Shepards, came charging on my little 9lbs puppy. My dog was a bit ahead of me so it took me 3 seconds to get there. His dogs had him in their mouths already. They were chewing and pulling on my dog as if he was a toy they wouldn't share. I started screaming, after the idiot cop tried to call his dogs, the dogs ignoring him totally; they were busy eating my dog up! I screamed and grabbed my dog out of their mouth. First they wouldn't let go and I screamed louder. I didn't want to pull too hard and hurt my dog more than he was already. I needed these 2 dumb-heads( not their fault, they were raised by a cop that had half the brain cells that the dogs had) to let go of my dog. My super loud screaming scared the Swiss dogs, who had never heard someone scream this loud, and they finally let go. The Swiss do yell at their dogs a lot but that cop would beat them with a stick, for training.... Dogs that won training contests.... My puppy was crying, squeaking. I was shocked, I sat on the floor with him in my arms, and the crappy cop finally got a hold of his dogs, told them to " stay" and came to ask me if I was ok, since I was just standing there, in shock with my dog in my arms. When he came near me, I felt a wave of negative little bubbles growing by the second. I looked at him with a very psychopathic look and told him to go away. It was my first time my baby had been attacked and I was more shocked than anything. His 2 Shepards had won about a dozen training contests. They were supposed to be perfectly trained, obedient and well behaved. Oh He forgot to socialize them! My dog was limping and bleeding, but we were "lucky", he could have been torn apart if I hadn't been there on time. His back knee has been weak all his life. I guess those 2 cops got our knees: my knee when the chief of police ran me over with his car, I never totally recovered. If I don't work out and let my legs loose their muscles, I start feeling my knee because of that incident. And then my puppy got his back leg knee messed up by that other cop's dogs. On the day of his attack, I of course, went to the police station after going to the vet, and told them about the attack on my dog. They laughed at me when I told them it was the cop's dogs. You know how you remember certain laughs all your life. Well that was a laugh that I'll never forget and I can use if I need to get angry. I'll remember that laugh until the day I die. I think my hatred started that day. It could have started with the 2 dogs ( well they got to be wild one day in their lives, because most of the time they were not allowed to do anything fun ). I wasn't hating the dogs, I was mad at them, mad at their owner a lot more, but the laugh of the cops who didn't want to acknowledge the fact that a cop's dogs had attacked my dog or who didn't care at all. I insisted and told them he at least had to pay for the vet bill, and they laughed again! The dogs didn't even work for the police, they were just the dogs of a cop, who happened to have "trained" ( using fear and sticks) his dogs and had won Swiss championships. The prick had golden cups ( obedience contests) on his living-room shelf ( I once had had to go in there to get a key). He was so proud. Nowadays he trains people on how to train their dogs. That shows you something about cops and something about the level of dog training that goes on in Switzerhell. In other words, low level and cruel. All training professionals in Switzerhell use violence on the dogs. I later went to shop for good dog trainer when I had gotten Shadow. I couldn't find one. The one trainer who lots of people said was the best in that part of the country, was this guy who showed me, for free, how to train my dog to heel, to walk by my side. I wanted to see since that was a thing I was having a hard time teaching my dog. The guy took my dog on his leash, walked around, making all kinds of sharp turns, and pulling his head right to left close to his left knee, so that, he said, the dog know that his head had to be close to the person's left knee. I couldn't believe it. My dog was so nice, he let him pull him around. I got scared of that moron who was talking like he was the best trainer in the country. I said thank you, I took my dogs and got out of there as fast as possible.

When I got Shadow, I went to my mom's house for a vacation once. He had never had anything to do with that cop, had never seen him, but he instinctively barked at him like crazy every time we would pass by him. Punk-cop thought he was barking at his dogs. Shiva might have "told" Shadow about his attack. Shadow was definitely barking at the cop and not at the dogs. Shadow had a sixth sense when it came to people. He has always been right about people, this dog! Always, no exception! Even when I thought someone was my friend, and Shadow would bark at him or her, I would think, this time he could be wrong. A month, a year later, things came up and that friend turned out to be a prick! Shadow was the kind of dog who bark at people when they would start yelling at their dog or beating their dog. He wouldn't bark at grown-ups yelling at each other. He would bark at people yelling at their child. He was that kind of dog. He didn't deserve to live in such a scum country as Switzerhell. We had some good times in the US and in France but most of his life was spent in Switzerhell. I so often dreamt of winning the Lotto to be able to buy a house outside of Switzerhell for my dogs and me, especially for Shadow who was so hated in Switzerhell, and who had to see me upset because of those people, so many times. I could explain to everyone how the Swiss are scum, how they're not what their image says they are, how hypocritical and evil they are. However the fact that they hurt my dog Shadow, and also through that, Shiva, has created a deep hatred in me that will always hurt when I think about it. The fact that so many ignorant foreigners still try to immigrate to Switzerhell because they think it is a land of peace, makes me not sick, but ill.

Switzerland is a land of refuge for many, those who have a lot of money on one side, and the poor who come to work because they can't find decent work in their own countries. It's not much different than France or Germany as far as coming to find work, except one little detail: The rich criminals are welcome in Switzerhell, as they wouldn't be in France , Germany, Spain or Italy. Money comes in, the Swiss look the other way. It must be the amount of staring they do on people like me, a single woman who seems to be a bit different and they don't like it, that gives them the need to ease up on staring on the rich! Or is it a law that I am unaware of: Don't stare at the rich, but on the poor and women, go all out, let loose! If I didn't have dogs I would put a veil on like Muslim women. I , for my dogs, have to show my face so that my dogs get to at least play a few times with other dogs. I would cover myself up to the maximum if I was alone. The Swiss don't stare at Muslim women, since they can't see anything. They'll look and hate but then look away. Many veiled women belong to rich Arab families, some of them very respectable families. However, there is a large amount of Muslims who we (people who want to ) know have connections with Al Qaeda or other organizations that Switzerhell doesn't care about, or pretends not to. Remember after September 11th, there was a very friendly interview with one of the brother of Osama Ben Laden who lives in a very nice and quiet apartment in Geneva. The Swiss tv station "Télévision Suisse Romande" asked him questions for him to appear nice, normal, very educated and smart, and the questions were twisted in a way that at the end of the interview, we wondered: Is he really the brother of Osama? The interview was done in his apartment, where no one bothered him ever. When a mass murderer is on the run, don't the police usually interrogate their family members like crazy? But dude is presumed innocent protected by the Swiss. The Swiss love him with all his money: They say he has nothing to do with what his brother did ... The Swiss mess with people like me, a single woman with 2 dogs, because they can! It's like in the primitive days, or in still primitive and violent countries ( not known as rich Switzerland..), where people pick on the weak, mess with people's lives because they have nothing better to do and no education whatsoever. They don't mess with terrorists because they're scared. When they get scared, they stop messing with people. So I have taken their crap, year after year while terrorists, old mafia heads, new mafia heads, Swiss organized criminals, etc, etc, live in their comfortable homes, peacefully, protected by police and private security companies, and by the Swiss, who won't go near their houses, out of courtesy...

There was a Sudanese journalist ( for Al Jaziira) held at Guantanamo prison for 6 years who just got out. Who welcomed him with open arms? Switzerhell! He was invited to all sorts of VIP dinners and gave a 5 minute interview ( again for the Télévision Suisse Romande), saying how he was tortured, sexually assaulted, psychologically manipulated, etc. He played the victim so badly, his lying was despicable. The Swiss probably believed him and felt sorry for him, since most people in Switzerhell don't know half of the torture that goes on in the country. The poor man... But there is a But: if he has money, he can stay in the country, if he doesn't , let's kick him back to his country where he belongs!

An then there is Fahad, the poor guy from Iraq who helped Americans and therefore is in danger to be killed by the Iraqis who also hate him because he is a trader. Fahad played in a movie made by a Swiss guy about his story in Iraq. The guy fled to Greece, then to Sweden, where he was refused a visa, so he tried Switzerhell. After the shooting of the film, the Swiss deported Fahad. At the airport, Fahad screamed like crazy and some people ( who knew him from the film) came to his rescue with lawyers. The Swiss not knowing how to deal with the Swiss media who rarely choose to film the truth, were in an embarrassing position, and decided to send Fahad to another canton, from Geneva to Zurich, so that they could deal with the situation. In Zurich the decision was also to deport him. The lawyers and TV were there again and Fahad is still in Switzerland...Waow, truth and fairness comes out and the Swiss are lost, panic, don't know what to do, loose all their authority, and change their mind again and again about deporting someone... All the Africans and others who are deported every day from Geneva and Zurich don't get TV and lawyers ; they are put on planes going back to their home land whether they scream or not.





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