Sunday, April 25, 2010

"I am Swiss. HELP!" By Triple S, Chapter 7

Dogs are a dangerous and wild specie in Switzerhell. Well dogs that look friendly are the lucky ones there. They are not hated by people, just treated like dirt because they are "just dogs". Geneva and Valais ( that is the region where the Alps are , and where all the ski resorts are) has 13 breeds that have to wear a muzzle by law, at all times when they are outside. 13 breeds, and the Doberman is not in it....Wait, could it be that the rich have Doberman ? Yes! And they think by making the other dogs wear muzzles, they won't have any more accidents with dogs biting. It really makes dogs friendlier when they have to wear muzzles every time they go outside! Knowing that Valais is a place with a lot of mountains where other breeds can run freely for miles around! I heard that there are actually more and more accidents where dogs ( of any breed) bite children than before in Valais, but the canton is so ashamed, they hide them from the media. It is only when a dog of a "bad" breed bites that they let the media get all over the event. It is hell for people who possess one of the 13 breeds, because not only do they get insulted and get comments all the time, but they also get tired of living in hell created by neighbors, and town citizens. The Swiss owners often get tired of the crap they have to take and get rid of their dogs. The dogs end up in shelters, when not dead. Some shelters will keep a few dogs of the "bad" breeds for a week, a month, but then have the dog euthanized because they say they don't have the space. Swiss shelters are small. The country has land for public parcs in and around cities where dogs are not allowed, or only allowed on leashes and on paved paths, not on lawns. The country has land for expensive flower gardens around buildings where neither dogs nor people are allowed to walk. The country has land for ski resorts, roads and new buildings that pop up every minute, but dog parcs where dogs could actually run freely in a setting made for them don't exist. Dog shelters are financed by private funds only, therefore can never afford a lot of space. Dog shelters don't work on rehabilitating animals. Either the dog is friendly, easily able to be placed in a home, or she or he is killed. If a dog is people-friendly but not dog-friendly, she or he will be kept for a little while and if not adopted, quickly killed since if they can't put more than one dog in a cage, it literally limits the amount of dogs that can be kept in those small shelters. Many times, those shelters are close to a forest, or to empty land that belongs to the closest town, you would think that the filthy rich towns who spend zillions on town decoration, plants, flowers, statues and what not, could give, if not money, a bit of extra land to these few shelters. I have heard, to my despair, that some owners of "bad" breeds who are thinking of abandoning their dogs kill them themselves, because they know the dog won't make it, or because they don't want to face people knowing they abandoned their dog. If cops find such a dog on the street or abandoned in a forest, on a highway, in front of a store, and the dog growls, they will automatically shoot her or him. If it is in a place where there are many people, the cops will take the dog in a van and kill him somewhere else. Having a dog of one of the 13 breeds, implies a lot of responsibility and suffering, in Switzerhell. So most of the time, the kind of people who get such dogs are rebel young people who want to show off their "nasty" looking dog, and are not going to treat their dog well either... These dogs have to go through racism , discrimination. They are hated no matter what, if well educated, friendly, saved lives, whatever... 99% of the population hates them and will express their hatred whenever possible. They are dogs, domestic animals, and they are treated like wild beasts, and more hated than rats. Dogs in Switzerhell have to look cute, be so friendly as to have all kinds of kids who don't know them jump on them and pull their tails, and the dogs have to ask for more! They can't be too educated because then she or he doesn't look like most dogs in the country and the Swiss get scared by whatever is not like the "norm". Most dogs don't listen to their owners in Switzerhell. Most dogs listen when their owners scream a few times, not before. Dogs who look mean ( even if they aren't..) are animals despised in the country ; people who say love animals will admit hating them. They say they love lions and bears, even wolves, but hate certain breeds like Pit-bulls and whoever looks like them, who by the way, share people's lives, protect children and save lives . All the terrible bites that happened within the last years, happened with dogs who weren't well educated , who didn't know their place in the household. Dogs that are bred to fight hardly exist in the country! No doubt certain breeds look scary, but I'll tell you that many Swiss look scarier. When Americans see a lot of big Pitbulls around, some people will dislike them, but do they spend their time talking and gossiping on how much they want these dogs gone, do they spend their time trying to kick people out of their building when they have such a dog, or kick people out of the village or the neighborhood? Normally not, not unless the dog is known to be vicious. Do people harass people who have them, send letters and petitions to have these breeds forbidden in the country? In Switzerhell, yes . The Swiss let their kids sit on stranger's laps in the train, they let their kids go up to strange men and talk, hold hands and what not, but they won't let their kids closer than 6 feet to one of the disliked dogs. The 2% of the population that wants to show that they're not afraid, and want their kids not to be afraid of dogs, will let the kids run up to the dogs without asking if it's ok, just assuming that the dog is fine with it! Can we have smart people who just teach their kids to not be afraid? and on the other hand not go up to dogs they don't know without asking the owner? In the US I have to say, there are lots of those people, who would ask if their kids could play with the dog which is a smart thing to do. In Switzerhell they don't ask, they either run away or run into the dog... Most Swiss parents will pull their children towards them when they see a dog coming in their direction. They teach their children to be afraid of dogs very early on. So many Swiss people are afraid of dogs even if they won't admit it. They are afraid of all breeds that weigh more than 20 lbs. When is this fear going to stop? When are Swiss parents going to teach their kids to love and respect dogs, which are a part of everyday society? Is it so hard to take a little time for your children, to teach them anything else but fear? How about going to a shelter and taking some dogs for walks once a week? People who have dogs in Switzerhell, have them for 3 reasons: first of all for protection, they get a dog to protect their house, their family, themselves. The second reason is for company for single, divorced, widowed, lonely people. The third is families that get dogs for their children. The people who actually love their dogs, treat their dogs like babies, the dogs end up very confused on her or his place in the house, thinks she or he is the master, and ends up biting the owner, which in turn takes the dog to the shelter, screaming that the dog doesn't love them anymore... Nobody gets a dog to enjoy the company of a happy dog, by taking the time to give the dog what she or he needs. When you live in a country like Switzerhell, where big dogs are feared, certain breeds hated, where most people want your dog dead or far away from them, when you grow to love your dog because she or he shares your everyday life and because he is so very good to you , you tend to grow bitter towards these wonderful Swiss people...

The Swiss can't educate their children ( schools do that, in a communist way) so how can you expect them to raise and educate their dogs properly? All dogs are uneducated, confused about what they have to do and their place in the hierarchy of the household, which messes the dogs up really badly and in time it will endanger the whole specie in the sense that the genes will be atrophied by all the massive undeveloped and confused minds. I could say the same for people but I am focusing my expertise on dogs. Yes, dogs have minds and have developments just like children, even if canine psychology is different. Human psychology is not yet fully discovered, neither is canine. But if the Swiss could educate themselves on the little that men ( not Swiss..) have discovered about canine behavior, it would help the specie survive. In poorer countries, there is no knowledge or care for canine behavior, but in most developed countries, there is a majority of dog owners who learn the basics. Swiss people act worse than citizens of underdeveloped countries. They don't care to learn about dogs, yet involve dogs in close human lives, and when dogs don't act like the idiot human thinks the dog is supposed to act ( according to the confident dog knowledge that they learned from their parents and grand-parents), the human beats the dogs up like he thinks he is supposed to, according to his ancestors. If you have a kid and don't teach her or him anything, you just give her or him mixed messages , wait and see what kind of adult you'll get! Even if dog minds don't work the same as people's, it is the same concept. You have to teach things to your dog, and not teach by hitting the dog when she or he doesn't do what you want. I know some people teach their kids by slapping them around, and yelling at them all the time... At least now some laws have been created to protect children in Switzerhell. People try not to hit their kids in public too often. That's a new thing.

Dogs in Switzerhell are always yapping and fighting other dogs. They are not bred to fight, just not to be social. A French woman once told me: How do you want dogs to be social when people aren't? She was right. I was staying in a "great" big ski resort. My little dog was attacked by dogs on paths a few times ( with me having to save his little but off course otherwise he'd have been injured). I went to the police station one day, and I asked what I could do. Was there a law or could I do something against these people whose dogs attack mine, like big German Shepherd without a leash whose owner, an old woman couldn't hold him nor call him, having no control over that dog whatsoever...The police didn't curse me out but they very politely told me to go f*** myself. Two years later, I was there again and my dog was attacked again a few times, by small dogs, big dogs. I then decided to yell at the owners and if the person didn't hold her or his aggressive dog, I pepper sprayed their faces. With all the dogs that attacked and all the people who insulted me when I said something, I ended up spraying 3 people over three weeks. They all went to the police and filed a complaint. It went to court. My mother had to pay a lawyer. I was in the US when I had found out that they filed a complaint, and they set a court date without considering that I was in school and that they could have waited until the semester ended. It was not murder after all. The lawyer my mother hired, told us that usually, they do try to accommodate people and gladly change dates. In my case, a woman alone, with only a mother to help, no father, no husband.... I should have had to drop school and come to court, for a few pepper sprays, after my dogs had been attacked. One of these attacks ended up at the vet, where my dog had a bloody eye. The fact that I had gone to the police station and couldn't file any kind of complaint about the off-leash dogs that were aggressive ( their owners let them be aggressive with my little dog, but would hold them against bigger dogs): The fact that I went to the cops to complain about attacks before I took matter into my own hands, was never mentioned in court. My lawyer said he was not allowed to put that in, since I hadn't filed a proper complaint at the police station, which the cops didn't let me do. I know that the court date wasn't changed so that they wouldn't hear me complain about the police, let alone mention that my dog was viciously attacked by a police dog in the country 2 years earlier. My residence was in the town where the police dogs attacked mine, so the police of the ski resort had contacted the police of my "home"town. I wasn't going to leave school in the US, to fly back for a one day court thing. Swiss law didn't say I had to be there, but I learned that, because I wasn't, my lawyer didn't say half of the stuff that I told him about the incidents. Swiss lawyers are not like in the US, allowed to fight the authorities, unless they are defending a real wealthy guy. Well I told my mother she shouldn't pay the lawyer, she said it would get to the point where I couldn't come back to the country or go to jail, if she didn't. She didn't want that. I didn't know I should have taken that as a blessing! Not be able to go to that country ever! I must say, it would have been a man going to the cops with a small dog and asking if he could do something about dogs attacking his dog, I can swear to you that something would have been done, the cops would have driven around where he walked his dog at least!! but a young woman... who cares. The other thing about the rich country is that if you have a little dog, people walk by with a big dog ( whether it's a labrador or other medium or big size dog) they will not hold their dog on a leash and ask you if your dog is friendly, because they don't care about their dog attacking your little dog, but if you have a big dog, they will f*** with your everyday life unless you kneel down in front of everybody in town and show everyone how your big dog is friendly! That's what I call a Primitive country with a big fat touch of stupidity. In poor countries, it is like that, the law of the jungle, you have a big dog you win, but in Switzerhell it's like that and then on top of it, they call the cops when you don't hold your big dog on a leash or if you don't pick up poop. They also f*** with your everyday life if you're a woman living alone because they can. I will never say it enough. It's a filthy people who don't deserve crap. They have so much money and they're are grateful for nothing. They are filthy and bitter and they have no reason. Yuck yuck yuck!!!

Geneva, the international, neutral, where all the peace organizations gather, along with all the rich thugs and scumbags of the world gather. The city where if you have enough money, no one will ask you questions! The great city where prostitution flourishes like flowers in the spring! Well, if you're a prostitute, you then have to register at the police station. Cops will say yes or no... and will tell you how to live your life. But if you have got a very rich foreign pimp, you won't have to register, and the cops won't touch you! I heard this from verifiable sources!! Trust me. In Geneva, better be a drug dealer than a woman with a Pitbull. You'll be left on peace as a drug dealer. In Geneva, you'll be left alone if you're a rich criminal, a drug dealer, a prostitute....but not if you're a woman with a Pitbull, nor if you're a woman living alone. Welcome to the neutral International paradise...


In the village where the police was only one guy and couldn't bug me like in Geneva, where the villagers themselves rallied to find ways to kick me out of their village, there was a couple with a pitbull. They lived in a beautiful house in the heart of the village. The woman used to walk her pitbull in the village a lot. People like that want to prove to everyone that their dog is friendly so they spend their lives talking to people on the street. She doesn't get bothered, nor insulted by people since they all know her husband. She has it so good because her husband is not only a man but also one of the hunters of the village. During hunting season, the gang of hunters are a respected group in the village. She is convinced that by telling people about her dog and how great he is, people will actually start liking the breed. Her dog doesn't listen when she calls him, he pulls on the leash like a crazy fool. I know people are cursing her dog, but very discreetly. There was this Italian woman who used to talk to me. She talks to everyone so she knows everything, but she was one of the ones who would still talk to me even after the village gang had met and decided to be " meaner" to me, to get me out of the village as soon as possible, as I had not moved out after their weak first attempts to make me nervous and hope to make me dislike the village enough to leave. That Italian woman knew the Swiss well. She didn't mind playing their game, be hypocritical herself. She had also been through some stuff people had done to her because she is Italian, a foreigner, and a not so rich one. So she would talk to me even if she knew that people would see her and tell her to stay away from me. She told me that some people if the village hated that couple and their pitbull, but pretended to say that they tolerated the one pitbull of the village. I felt the vibe of that pitbull and it wasn't sweet. He knew how much people hated him, and was not the kind of dog to go up to people to be friendly, as mine was. Mine felt the hatred too but always had hope... That lady with the pitbull talked to me a few times in the beginning, when I had just arrived. She would say that she knew everything about dogs, that Pit-bulls were just like any other dogs. She would tell me that even if I thought I had trained my dog to walk by my side ( heeling), my dog was going to pull me and make me fall one day or another. She warned me about the winter, and how icy the main steep road would get and how I should invest in a pair of "crampons" because I would fall on the ice because of my dog pulling me . She was right about one thing : it was very icy and so thank god I had my big dog to help me when it was slippery, I always hung on to the leash or I 'd support myself on putting my hand on his upper back. I have seen a few people fall on those steep roads and paths throuh out the winter, but thanks to Shadow, I didn't fall once. Shiva wasn't helping much but he was there with us struggling with the icy pavement. People would see that Shadow was helping me, but never did I get a smile, or a person saying what a good dog he was to walk right by me and let me put some weight on his back. They would still look at him with hatred. Shadow was also a bag carrier. I taught him early on to hold things in his mouth, like bags, and hold them until I told him to let go. No one ever smiled or told him that he was a great dog. I remember people in New York would congratulate him when they would see him carrying a bag. In Switzerhell they would rather the dog died. These Swiss people are such despicable creatures.

With all the hatred I feel towards us in Switzerhell, it's amazing Shadow hasn't tried to bite anyone. Not only do I feel the hatred but Shadow smells it, from other people towards him. Shadow is the best dog ever. Shiva never really liked people all that much, nor paid attention to them, except the ones we know. He always was much more interested in other dogs. Shadow always loved people. The sad part is that he got about as much love back as a mouse in the middle of millions of cats. Imagine your child ( well it is always easier for people to imagine their children) smiling at people, saying hello, wanting to interact. Now imagine those people giving your child dirty looks and saying things like killing your child would be the best thing for society. How would you feel? Well that's how I feel, I felt and I will feel. Because I can't forget about that feeling, ever. Some of you are going to say: How can I compare a child to a dog? I know some people, even with good intentions towards animals, think that human life is so much more...

In 2008, I was in Paris on vacation, to see our veterinarian. I had seen several vets in Switzerhell and had been not only disappointed by their abilities and lack of knowledge of animal medicine, and animals period. I was just not willing to vet-shop and find a decent vet after having seen a hundred. There are very few good quality veterinarians in Switzerhell, much less who like dogs of all breeds... I knew one vet in Paris who, had always been very good with treating Shiva. When we lived in Paris for a year, Shadow had gotten a spike in his ear. I had gone to the closest vet since he was crying, it was hurting him. That vet was scared of Shadow and said she had to give him anesthesia to get that thing out of his ear. I asked her if she was joking, she wasn't. So I called Shiva's vet across town, and had an appointment for the next day, since it was the end of the day already. Shadow was in a bit of pain all night, but in the morning, we went to that vet, and I held Shadow tight, and he got that spike out of his ear in two minutes. He didn't hurt Shadow's ear or anything while doing it. So I called him our vet for a while, even when we lived back in Switzerhell. So I always tried to go to him if I could, instead of going to the morons in Switzerhell. So instead of taking a vacation somewhere to relax, I went to Paris for Shiva's teeth cleaning and Shadow's arthritis.

A few years earlier,in Paris, there used to be many boutiques for dog stuff like food, leashes, toys, etc. Well I wanted to buy a new leash for Shadow, and the 3 dog stores I knew were closed, gone. The French like dogs more than the Swiss, but the economy isn't doing great in France so people can't spend much on their dogs. So I asked around as to where to buy a leash, and the only place I found was a store where they sell puppies and kittens, a puppy mill, basically. I couldn't believe that the only dog store that would survive in a big area of Paris, would be a puppy mill store, a store where you can see puppies in the window, very young puppies. I hate those things with a passion, would love to have the time and money to fight against those puppy mills. Supposedly they are people in France who fight against them but there is not enough that is done against these atrocities! I looked at these puppies in tiny cages, and I thought these puppies should be with their mother until someone offers them a home, but these little cute souls were put in prison by idiots. The dogs would be traumatized for life because most people won't know how to deal with these hurt angels who can turn into predators only because they didn't get that essential time with their mothers at an early age! Three months, is that too much to ask for? I went in the store and wanted to cry. I talked to the owner a bit, asked him questions about their age. He lied. He said I had an accent. I said I was Swiss. He told me how many Swiss would come there and buy puppies! Of course! Who else, other than the uneducated French would come and buy puppies from puppy mills!! In Switzerhell, there are a few stores like that, but not many because it doesn't look good. You can find those dogs, usually from Eastern Europe, for sale in the back of a farm or in a warehouse. The Swiss don't know that puppies shouldn't be transported in a truck like cattle, that puppies should be with their mother until a certain age. Do you know how much money the Swiss have, to educate themselves? They not only have money to get on the web, buy books, take classes, etc, but they claim they know everything already..... So they should know better. But they don't. All they do is be hateful towards others, including when they don't do anything! Talk about dogs, it is legal to eat cats and dogs in Switzerhell. It is just not legal to steal someone's animal and eat it. They proudly wrote about the legality of eating cats and dogs in a free paper read by many. They wrote that some girls had been photographed eating cat. There was a picture in that paper. I was shocked. The girls were holding a thigh, like a chicken thigh! The readers found nothing wrong with it. Some might have been shocked, but didn't say anything nor do anything about it. Thats's the Swiss. They know the laws are decided at a higher level and are used to noticing but not doing. The Swiss are not used to fighting for a good cause. They will kill their neighbor's cat or dog, but no "dog-lover" will ever take action to try to change things. Don't get me wrong, cat and dog lovers think it's wrong to eat the animals, even in Switzerhell. But they don't do anything about it. The reaction to try to do something about it is just not in the culture. They just complain from their kitchen and that's it!

I was in Geneva the day the law about putting a muzzle on 13 breeds of dogs everywhere outside their homes, officially started. They had announced the date. I was walking around town, I was curious to see protesters, or at least a stand where people could sign a petition against it, but nothing! Nada! Some people just decided not to obey the law, like the young white dude I saw that day, who walked his pitbull while he was riding his bicycle without a leash, and without a muzzle. I once saw the cops driving right by punks like that, not in a hurry to go anywhere, but cops don't bother men. But me, I get a 130 franc ticket for getting my dog out of the car for a short pee pee walk before putting him back in the car while I was taking a Capoeira class. That was in a quiet neighborhood with no one around, except a few cars driving by. I don't think I am cursed or that I have bad luck, so I know it's because I am a woman and the cops love to tell women what to do, and give them tickets if they deserve it. Like France, Swiss cops are afraid of thugs, or dudes who look like thugs. Even black men, cops are afraid of, but they are more eager to arrest them and beat them up in public. in Geneva, I know a North African guy who had been arrested for some fight he got into with a guy outside of a club one night. Of course he was released after a few days. But that incident was on his record. One day the cops came to his apartment and took his dog away. The dog was a super-friendly pitbull. They took him away for no apparent reason. The reason was that the guy had a record ( as small as it was) , and a pitbull. This is how bad it is. The police has the right to take your dog away, if the dog is of one of the 13 breeds, any time, any day! The sad thing was that the cops put the dog in a shelter. They could see that the dog was a great friendly dog. They didn't kill him as they would have if the dog wasn't as super-friendly. The dog who had been used to his owner, who didn't treat him badly at all, was now in a shelter, abandoned, just because Swiss cops needed to who the North African guy that they were in power, and that he wasn't allowed to have a pitbull, because of one fight outside a bar, where no one got hurt. The guy didn't sell drugs and had a job. He had had no trouble with the police before that one fight outside the bar. If the dog had been vicious or showed signs of aggressive behavior, I could see how someone who had several problems with the law, would have his dog taken away. I wouldn't believe in this, but I could see how a strict country could do that. Switzerhell is not a strict country. It is a f**ked up vicious hypocritical piece of s****.

Some young Swiss people tell me:" Well my cousin got bitten by his own pitbull, the family dog, so I hate these dogs". The Swiss have no clue on how a dog gets to be who she or he is. They think the breed, therefore the genes do it all. Well when you look at it, they believe that with humans too. They will tell you how the French are, the Italians are, the Africans are ( and I don't think they know Africa is a continent not a country). That's why they themselves believe certain things about their own people and are convinced that everyone is the same. If someone is different, then evidently that person has to be a foreigner. I do consider myself a foreigner, but technically I am Swiss. To them I should be like everyone else, think and act alike. So the Swiss believe a dog breed has its traits and the environment has nothing to do with it. They just think a few beatings here and there will give the dog the education he needs. A pitbull is a vicious dog so in that particular case where the cousin was bitten by the family dog, it was all the dog's fault. The breed's fault! Could it be the family's fault where the dog didn't know its place in the pack? That's the most probable cause to me. Some people get dogs and spoil them like children like to be spoiled, or better, like adults like to be spoiled! Some stupid Swiss will on one hand spoil the dog and then hit the dog after the dog has done something wrong, many times they hit the dog a minute later. The dog gets so confused about everything that is happening to him. Many eat after the dog. The dog knows these innate rules about living in a pack. Humans have to learn that basic stuff about dogs. Even if when you think about it, it works in human logic too: the king eats first, and the rest of the people eat after. Or the king goes first, and the rest follows. Dogs like to be spoiled and please don't let me stop you from spoiling your dog! But do it in a dog way. Spoiling your dog will mean taking her or him for a long walk, going to meet some dog friends to play with, or buy her or him a treat which the dog will enjoy getting after doing something that her, his owned asked, like a "sit" for example. You want a dog, you gotta play the game. Swiss people have dogs like cattle, and at the same time, they let the dog eat before them, get on the bed, etc. These dogs are majorly confused about their role. They are not happy. All the dogs that I have come across in Switzerhell try to bite, attack someone or something at some point.


Every day of my life I have woken up in the morning , glancing at my dogs and thought how beautiful they were. Well yes I chose breeds which I think are beautiful, but the vibe they give off, is also what makes them beautiful. Life has not always been easy, and I have not always been happy and calm with them, but their presence was always so precious that in the morning before I see anybody else, I always cherish looking at my dogs. It is still is. They are old now and I try to be there with them, as life gets a little more painful, as life slowly slips away. I won't dwell on the fact that dogs' lives are short. Yes but it's how it is. Shadow was poisoned but at age 8. He had a short life but a life nevertheless. These nasty people didn't take that away from us. We had a life together . What I have felt for these dogs and still feel, what they have brought to me is more than any Swiss share between each other. I am not exaggerating. Swiss have no real feelings. They are caught up in their nasty selves whom they can't even discover until the day they die. I could imagine how the second before they die, they could all of a sudden understand a few things about themselves that they never thought of during their nasty existence. They raise their children because it's the thing to do, mostly because they have nothing else to do. It keeps them busy. Few of them actually love their children. The few that do love them are the ones whose ego is huge. They enjoy seeing a smaller version of them running around.

I know all this because I was really Swiss until not too long ago. And then little by little I got rid of more and more Swiss cells in me. When I was 11, my mother had agreed to get our first dog. My grandparents had a dog, and he was the dog closest to me when I grew up, and I liked the dog but I can't tell you how I felt really. I don't remember having real feelings. Even with my first dog who was living with my mother and I, I guess I liked the dog but it's like, I guess I liked my friends. I don't know if I really did have feelings. My parents I needed I knew that feeling, and there is a natural bond that creates from a child to her or his parents. When my father died, the problem was not how to deal with the pain. It was where and how was the pain? I could never pinpoint feelings until later in life when I opened up, outside of Switzerhell. I always felt that my mother didn't love me and it's because Swiss people don't know what feelings are. It's a big retardation problem. I know for a fact that it is like that with 98% of the Swiss. There are exceptions for everything. It's not like the Swiss are so cold blooded that they don't have feelings. It's worse, they don't know what they are and who they are.

Both my Shadow and Shiva were bought in France. It just happened like that. Well it's also because the Swiss breeders I went to see didn't know jack about dogs. When I was looking to get a bigger dog for me and Shiva, I went to shelters in Switzerhell, where either they would tell me that a big dog wouldn't get along with a small dog.... or that they would rather kill the big dogs who don't get adopted than give them to people who live in apartments. They needed people with a house... Or they would tell me that they preferred giving a big dog to someone without a dog, so they would take care of their one dog better than someone who have two... I then went to see a few breeders of the breeds I liked, in Switzerhell. Some said that their breed would automatically eat or hurt the little dog, even if I would get the big dog as a puppy... Some breeders had sick puppies they would try to sell as healthy puppies. Swiss people don't know dogs and don't like them. I get it now. So I got Shiva in Paris and Shadow three years later, two hours from Paris. I was living in Switzerhell then, and didn't have a car. My mother didn't trust me to lend me her car ( I was 31 years old), so she drove me and Shiva to get our Shadow. She was in a hurry to get back to Switzerhell so she didn't want to go see several breeders. So even though I wanted a female, the only one who looked great at the breeder's we went to, was a boy, Shadow. Shiva was not thrilled at the beginning, but he learned to love him, and Shadow learned very early on that I needed him to be good to Shiva, not hurt him, and protect him. I sometimes thought Shadow didn't like Shiva because he never played with him. He of course wanted to play when he first arrived, but he was too tough so I didn't let him that much. Later on, he knew that I cared so much for Shiva, that he wouldn't play with him because he knew he could hurt him by accident. I put them in small places together, like the back seat of the car, the kennel when someone I didn't know came in the apartment, or they would themselves decide to sleep on the same bed. Shadow, during his whole life, took very good care of our tiny boy. They would play on several very exciting occasions like the first snowy days outside for example. Shiva would growl and jump on two legs, jump on Shadow's sides, and Shadow would growl back, running with him, but knowing that he couldn't do much more, in order not to hurt Shiva. I learned to love these dogs more and more each year. I have never loved anyone the way I love Shiva and Shadow. I didn't know love, or any other real feelings before leaving Switzerhell. When I was growing up, I was a very normal kid compared to the others. I was alive, aware and full of energy for a Swiss kid. But I didn't know life and love until I tasted life outside the country. It didn't mean it was all better, because when you start to feel things, there is joy and happiness but there is pain that you discover too. Swiss society is numb, without a soul ( in every sense of the term). No wonder dogs are nothing to them. Some people think that because the dog is part of their life, it must mean something, so they go to the vet, take care of the animal because they think that they must love the animal! Truth is they love the company of the animal, just like they love the company of people, but it is just their ancestral need for companionship, primitive, basic. The dog has a better sense of reality than her , his Swiss owner.


I have heard so many people say : " We treat cats and dogs better than people in this country!". Most of them say that when they see all the expensive dog and cat toys and beds and things that stores sell. These people say that instead of buying expensive dog and cat stuff that they don't really need, those people should send that money to charities. These people who say that, are the same people who spend thousands on paintings and other art forms to decorate their homes. To them, that's not money wasted. I say: Money is not well spent all over the planet! Stop hating cats and dogs who make more people happy than any of your material stuff, whatever the purpose.


Swiss people don't see reality as it is at all. Of course they are sheltered from the crime, from knowing what really goes on around them. The Swiss, 98% of them don't have a clue on what goes on. Most people don't know that animals shelters kill animals, dogs especially, everyday because they don't have the space for them, or rather, don't care about dogs enough to work with them a bit or give them a chance to live. Most shelters are too lazy to go out and try to get more funds from people. There is so much money in Switzerhell that if shelters would work at it, even if most people don't love dogs, they are enough who would give a bit of money if motivated by facts like they shouldn't have their children grow up in a country where dogs are killed everyday without giving them a chance. Shelters also have too many workers that are lazy, don't want to work fast or well, and don't really care about animals in general. I used to walk dogs at 2 shelters, when it was just me and Shiva, two afternoons a week for several months, as a volunteer, even if they don't give that title in Switzerhell. You would think that aside from the dogs, the people from the shelters would somehow appreciate it. Well Swiss shelters also take dogs on vacation, when people need to put their dogs somewhere when they go on vacation. Shelters make money that way. I once went to NYC for 5 days and for the first time I was going to leave my dogs for a few days. I thought that one of the shelters where I volunteered would be ok, that they knew me, and they would take good care of my dogs. I called every day from NYC to find out if everything was ok and if they had any questions about anything that came up and they always responded: " nothing everything is fine!". They might have thought I was annoying to call everyday, as no one ever did that before. Was the fact that I called everyday, or the fact that they don't care about animals too too much, the reason why I found Shiva with all his front nails cut to the skin. I didn't see it the day that I went to get them, because we were all so excited to see each other. The next day I saw Shiva's paws. I called them and they said that nothing happened , they didn't know what I was talking about... Someone from another shelters told me that it had happened to their shelter once. The bastards had dropped a metal door ( sliding or rather vertically falling, door). Shiva had not paid attention and these bastards had not watched for the little dog. I later found out that that when the skin under the nail is cut, it hurts like hell and the dog bleeds a lot when the cut is deeper than the claw. And it was that deep. I cannot tell you what I felt. Not only did these people not have the decency to tell me what happened and apologize, but they lied about anything happening. I cannot tell you what would have happened if I suddenly had come back early from NYC. I went there to meet a guy who was offering me a job, well an exchange situation, which I later took . Had I seen that being done to my Shiva, I would have strangled that person with my bear hands. Just thinking about it makes me want to do worse. I am so protective of my own, that I am often afraid not of others, but of what others will make me do to them.

Swiss shelters also have very limited opening hours for people to come and see the dogs. Some shelters only open three days a week. At night no one ever sleeps there. Whatever animal gets sick at night, well she or he dies. Shelters are really strict about their opening hours. You can't abandon your dog at certain times.. If your dog was found and brought to the shelter, and when you called, the shelter told you that your dog is there, you have to wait until opening hours. I was there once when a man whose little dog had been found and brought to the shelter was ringing the bell and screaming that he wanted his dog, that he lived far, had to go to work and didn't have time to come back during opening hours... The people working there said to each other: " Who does he think he is, we have work to do here!" The work consisted of slow cleaning, with cigarette and coffee breaks every hour...

When it is opening hours at animal shelters, you can see a lot of people who just come to see, out of curiosity. I know some come to see dogs in pain, in cages. It reassures Swiss to see animals who are sad. To some of them, these abandoned dogs are still treated too good. Some bring their children to see dogs. Most of them don't even volunteer to walk a dog or two, they just stare at the dogs. The children ask for one. The parents sometimes get one, only to bring her or him back two weeks later when the dog pooped on their favorite carpet... Some explain to their children that they can have one when they promise to take care of him. Then they return the dog to the shelter about 3 months later... You also see lonely people at shelters, who wonder if a dog could keep them company... On one of the days I was still hoping to get a second dog from a Swiss shelter, I went through the outside area ( the outside cages) with Shiva. I saw this one small dog that Shiva might have liked. I asked the lady at the shelter if I could have the dogs meet. She said yes, and she took the dog out of the cage. A lonely bitter older woman walking by, said: " Unbelievable! these people think that they can see if 2 dogs get along in 5 minutes!" Of course I was a woman and that entitled her to insult me like that out loud. Yes it was an insult, the tone on which she talked, making it evident that I was the stupid one. I was in such a good mood looking at dogs, with my baby... But I will never forget that filthy female rat ( sorry for the rats I have nothing against them really) talking to me like that when I was doing nothing wrong and having a good time! If she really cared and wanted to help, she would have come to talk to me with a normal tone of voice. And if these people knew anything about dogs, they would know that really if you want 2, 3,4 or more dogs to get along, you're the master, you have to create the environment for them to be happy and understand that if you decided that they have to get along, they will. They may not play, but they will tolerate each other at least. I just wanted to see how Shiva would react to that dog. I didn't know the shelter but I knew my boy and could tell if there was a chance that they would become best buddies.

But to the Swiss, dogs are dogs, and if they don't get along, oh well we'll get rid of one! I remember this lady with 2 small female dogs. She used to say that they fought all the time. That woman had a really high pitch voice when she would yell at them. It almost sounded that she was celebrating their fighting. She would scream with that voice that wasn't scary at all, plus I am not sure she really meant what she was saying. If you don't have a voice that sounds like a "no no", then at least mean what you say with great passion! If you want them to stop, you've got to mean it. Animals don't pretend or "say" something they don't mean. Of course they have different intensities in what they express. So if you want the animal to get what you're saying you have to use words ( syllables) that she or he knows but more importantly use the intensity inside you when you say it.

Training dogs is one thing, but the least a rich community can do when people take their dogs outside of their property, is to socialize the dogs. If the dogs are not trained and don't listen to their owner, at least have a community where the dogs, which are very social animals, can interact with one another, and other animals as well. Dogs in Switzerhell always fight other dogs, and bark like crazy when they're on leashes. Dogs are not used to cows, horses, sheep and other animals which are all around the little country. Is it that hard to take the puppy and later the dog to various places to make sure she or he is comfortable with all animals and people? My big dog was too good for that country. He was good to dogs, cows, horses. He didn't hunt when we went for daily walks in the forest, where I saw signs put up every year that said: "All dogs hunt, even yours!!" with a nasty picture of a poor animal half eaten by a vicious dog, probably your local labrador. I have nothing against the breed, but the people who buy labs in Switzerhell often choose the dog because it is said that this dog is friendly and easy to handle. People usually don't train them at all. people think they don't need to know anything about dogs to have a lab. It turns out many labs bite the kids of the family and then the parents scream murder and don't understand why their nice lab all of a sudden bit their kid!! They get a dog, don't learn anything about them, and when she or he bites, they get rid of the dog. It's like they buy a TV, it doesn't work because they refuse to read the pamphlet on how to use it, they get rid of it. The Swiss don't love animals. They would never spend money or ressources to save an animal. Well farmers will save their own cattle because it's their bread and butter. On Swiss TV, there is a half hour of something they call " funny animals", every week or so. It's actually funny animal footage from American or Canadian TV, because the Swiss don't have funny animals(...). First of all, their animals are not happy, and the few times that they're actually funny , no one bothers filming them. A few times Swiss TV will also buy American animal shows from animal rescues, which is something new and shocking for the Swiss because they would never put that much effort to save animals' lives. So it's funny to them. When you have a dog trapped in a pipe or a hole: If the owner can't get her or him, no one will. If a wild animal is trapped in a somewhat dangerous place, no one will get close to risking their life to save the animal. That is such a North American thing to do. In very poor countries, I can understand that saving an animal in danger is tough when they often don't spend the money or time to save a human being, but a country like Switzerland? These people are so heartless, soul-less, that even if a lot of times they wouldn't have to spend extra money to save animals' lives, they don't feel like spending the time and effort because they don't think it matters and they don't care.

In the summer time you can see these Swiss people's tattoos. Some women have dolphins on their shoulders. It's cute, they think. But do they worry about the animal's well-fare at ALL? Of course not. They have never informed themselves on the specie. You're gona tell me, some Americans have the same thing on their shoulder or back. Well, are these American educated? Most likely, they earn three times less money than the Swiss with the same tattoo. The Swiss person with the dolphin tattoo lives in a comfortable apartment with internet, leather couches, all the kitchen appliances you can think of, all the stereo system you can imagine ( even if they only listen to music once a month) and a brand new car. They get a tattoo of an animal and don't really think further. The American who gets a dolphin tattoo without caring about the animal, will be living very modestly. I am saying that everyone who gets a tattoo of an endangered specie, should spend all her or his spare time volunteering for the animal's cause, but educated people will have interests and passions for which they will try to do some good, instead of living a life of sitting watching TV and thinking an animal's picture is cute... The one that gets me personally is the pitbull tattoo. If they have a pitbull at home, they don't even take care of the animal well most of the time. The pitbull is a victim of the people who hate the breed and the people who think they love the breed, who get them because it's a tough looking dog and the dog makes them feel strong. Pitbulls, because of their massive amount of energy, need more attention, more running, more training exercices and more love ( to balance out all the hatred they get)! If you give your dog all that and your dog is not a pitbull, more power to you!! But the kind of people who get pitbulls around the world are mostly men who need the dog to feel stronger, tougher, and because these guys are so into themselves, they don't take care of the dogs well enough. Those who have pits and are responsible loving caring owners won't feel concerned, then let me acknowledge you and thank you. Now when I talk about pitbulls, I will include , not 13 breeds like the stupid Swiss but I will include any breed that happens to have extra energy which needs to be channeled, and the ones who have extra strength in their jaws. One needs to be responsible, for the dog's well-being. If the dog is happy, balanced, trained, the dog won't bite anyone.

Dudes with tattoos of a pitbull do nothing for the breed ( excuse me for the one or two on the planet who do help the breed or other similar breeds). These guys don't fight for the Pit-bull's well-being, against the hatred and killing and poisoning that goes on in Switzerhell and a few other European countries ( that are known to go kill their neighbors' dogs). In Switzerhell, I know this guy who had a Rottweiler on a long leash in front of his house. He lived near a main road: some people went there to untie the dog who was outside so that the dog would run on the road and get killed and that's what happened. How far can stupidity stretch in a rich country?

The Swiss hate pitbulls and every breed that looks like them, and are the first to show pictures of a bloody Pit-bull's mouth when a kid gets bitten in the country. The pitbull gets the front page, no matter how many wars are going on in the world, and no matter how much hidden crime goes on in Switzerhell. It's funny how we, in the French part don't really get news from the German part of Switzerhell except when a pitbull bites. Then we hear about it, to tell everyone that ALL these dogs are vicious! Dog shelters: when I talked to them about the cause, they just shrug and say that's how it, that's life, we can't do anything but take in a few nice pits here and there to try to place them. Yes because if they're not super softy friendly , no one will try to rehabilitate the dog. That is a foreign concept in Switzerhell. The Geneva law says that cops are allowed to shoot a dog of the 13 breeds on the street or anywhere if the dog barely barks or growls at someone! Imagine the nightmares of the children who witness a dog being shot on the street, which happens a lot more times than a dog biting someone on the streets!!


I truly think certain breeds are too beautiful to live in a filthy country like Switzerhell. It's like putting a super model in a tiny remote Swiss village where the most beautiful females are the cows! The Swiss are intimidated and for them intimidation leads to want to harm. The Swiss are intimidated by money but they're used to that and they know that money is dangerous so they stay careful. They are intimidated by beauty. Unless it's for them to use and benefit from, they are full of hatred towards beauty. They're intimidated by someone with brains. The Swiss will check if that someone has money, and if she or he doesn't, they will show their disapproval for people who think they are or prove to be smarter than them. Sometimes they are in denial about anything good, beautiful or smart around them, so they refuse to see it, if they don't have the time to mess it up. One day, a girl in Switzerhell said to her girlfriend out loud so I could hear: " yuh, look at how ugly that dog is". My big dog ugly? It's like saying that Brad Pit is ugly. I mean you may not like his style but you can't say he is ugly! My big dog is a good looking dog. I remember seeing one dog of the same breed as mine that was better looking than mine, objectively. He belonged to a French girl. One could not like the breed, but some dogs, like some horses are just beautiful.


In Switzerhell, my Shadow was hit by an older guy in the forest, twice as a puppy, in different places. When he was little, 4 to 6 months, we would go for walks in the forest and I would let him off leash because he already listened to me a little bit and I didn't feel he had any tendency to run away. He wasn't an aggressive puppy, either. As a pups, he was full of energy. He would run up to people and start barking, but with a fun puppy bark and his tail wagging. The idiot Swiss, especially men would get scared because of the breed and his look. Sometimes I would get to the dog really fast, take him by the collar and keep walking. Young people didn't freak out most of the times because they saw he was young and playful. This one older guy one day, had a stick, as most Swiss people hiking ( they think it's a weapon...), started hitting him. I was running uphill to get to them. He hit him like three or four times until my dog squeaked. I was new at this, I didn't know people would hit a puppy, back then. I yelled at the guy but he was walking away fast and I was more concentrating on my dog to see if he was ok, than to catch the guy. He was ok, so life went on. The same thing happened again a month later, in my hometown, the places where I grew up and where crooked cops were in power ( abuse of their power). Shadow was already learning that going up to people in a playful way was bad and dangerous.... He loved people that dog. Some dogs are not into people that much but he was. It broke my heart to see what was done to him. Then later, I moved to Paris for a year. I found a child care position in Versailles where I could live in a little bungalow in the garden of their neighbors, so the dogs were ok to be with me in there. I thought Versailles was a beautiful place. People are allowed to walk their dogs in the huge Versailles parc. It is quite pretty, and it feels like you're living in old royal France... The three adopted kids from Vietnam were not easy to take care of. The youngest would throw tantrums in the middle of the street all the time. I had to pick them up from school. It wasn't your easy walk back, nice and smooth kind of thing. Getting from the school to the house was a dilemma. I then understood why they hired me and not a young girl, and also why my dogs would be the least of their problems. I don't know if the adoption or the education of the kids were at fault, but these kids were impossible to manage. They lived in a nice neighborhood. When I would walk my dogs in the area, I would get insults from these rich suburbans. I remember getting the same comment as I got in Switzerhell a few times about how all dogs of his breed should be exterminated. In France I may have gotten harsh insults like in Switzerhell, but never did I get vicious actions taken in my back nor in my face for that matter.

When I lived in Switzerhell, in an apartment building, there was a family with a female Pit-bull on the ground floor. She wasn't friendly to other dogs. The owners were a family and the father was the super, so people couldn't complain too much about the dog, plus since there was a baby in the apartment, and the dog was handled by a man, people didn't backstab them too often. I once saw them with the dog in the street and the dog jumped on Shadow and made him fall onto a bicycle. She didn't really bite him luckily, she just wanted to show who was the boss. I didn't make a big deal out of it, but the owners started saying to all the tenants that my dog had attacked their dog. They were probably scared that I would file a complaint against their dog so they went on to make me the vilain in the first place. This is how people in Switzerhell don't help each other when they have dogs of certain hated breeds. You would think that people would stick together when they are under attack for the same reason, but the Swiss are so full of hatred that they hate even the ones who suffering from the same disease as them.

Once a guy had a female German Shepard in heat, which was off leash, and told to watch my dog... Luckily that asshole was talking to someone and not really watching his dog. Shadow started humping her right away. I was hoping that prick wouldn't look as the dogs were a bit further. A moment later, the guy he was taking to saw the dogs. I yelled that my dog was fixed. He screamed he didn't care and started going to the dogs with his stick up in the air, ready to strike. I ran and said I'd separate them. I did. The 2 dogs screamed. It was painful. I heard my Shadow screaming and in pain and I wanted to hit that guy so bad! A few times at that parc there was a guy and his wife with their three dogs who would scream at me when I would get close to the parc, and say: No don't come in while we're here. Stay out ! It was a public area, a green space where anyone and any dog could walk on. The first time I heard them, I went another way, but the second time I wanted to use the parc as well. I wanted to throw a few balls for Shadow. My Shadow was very friendly to all dogs. So I went in and the guy kicked my dog with his foot. I called my dog and stayed in the parc. I wanted to hit the guy, but his dogs kept coming to us to play. His dogs wouldn't listen to him and it was driving him nuts that they would come to us. I screamed that if he approached me after having kicked my dog, things would get ugly. He was an older guy by himself, and as much as he would have wanted to hit me as well, he could see his dogs liked not only my dogs but me too. So he waited until his dogs came to him and left. 10 minutes later, I saw the cops come by, come in the parc, and asked me to empty my pockets. The idiot guy had called the cops , of course. The cops wanted me to show ID, and empty all my pockets. I had almonds in a brown bag, the police took that, broke the bag and all my almonds fell out. They didn't even apologize. Then the cops left while threatening me that if they had another call about me threatening people or selling drugs (...), they would catch me.


One day, a guy was running on a narrow path where we were and he ran near us, not being afraid of Shadow, he pushed Shadow down the steep hill, with his knee, just because he could, just because he saw the dog wasn't aggressive, just to f*** with us. That was a young guy. Did he say "excuse me", of course not. "Excuse me" doesn't exist in Switzerhell when it's a man pushing a woman or her dog. Well, "excuse me" doesn't even exist in public places when people are pushing to get someone, so imagine if a man pushed a dog down a hill, and the dog belonged to a woman... He kept on running. 2 months later, there was a middle aged guy jogging with his lab. He ran past us. The lab and Shadow started to play. He didn't want his dog to play with mine. The dogs were in the back of him. He knew his dog wouldn't listen so he yelled at me to call my dog or he would kick go him. It was so ridiculous, that I knew that he wanted to say that he wanted to kick me if I didn't call my dog. He had run past the dogs and me. I figured he wouldn't run back to kick my dog, but he did, right in the ribs. My goodness I felt like shooting the guy. When he hit my dog, I could hear the noise of his foot against the ribcage!!! I swear I would have shot him if I had had a gun. I still to this day want to find him and shoot him. The dogs were playing! He couldn't make his dog obey so it was up to me to call my dog so he could keep running and have his dog come back to him when he saw that my dog would come back to me. The fact that he yelled at me like I was some kind of low-class citizen, and that he kicked my dog for no reason, while my dog was playing nicely with his lab, got me in an furious mood for that whole day and still does now when I think about it. I had Shiva on a leash back then and therefore couldn't drop the leash and little Shiva to run after that moron with Shadow. That piece of trash should pray and thank my Shiva that I didn't do anything to him. I never saw him again after that, even if I looked. I later moved from that town anyway.

I then lived in an apartment , under a family with two little children. The father looked at me like he already wanted to kill me when I moved in with my 2 dogs. The parents were not bright at all. The kids would always open my front door supposedly because they didn't remember they lived on the second floor. Since I didn't lock all the time, the parents got afraid that my dogs would bite them one day. They didn't... but the parents couldn't stand me being there with the dogs. They decided to step on their floor with sound-making shoes, so I would hear them and it would wake me up every night. The woman didn't work so she would have the time to do that at all hours, night and day. I didn't call the cops because I knew they would say the dogs were dangerous for their kids and "man plus kids" always win. So I took their s*** for a while until I moved... Same old story. I didn't move only because of them. There were other people messing with me as usual. The farmer who lived at the end of the road, and whose daughter had to walk on a path nearby to go to school , where I would walk my dogs in the morning, and who was scared of dogs, once got out of his truck with his rifle and threatened to shoot my dog on the spot. Seeing that rifle near my dog made me so tense, I was breaking my fingers while squeezing my fists as hard as I could. I again couldn't go to the cops because I knew for a fact that the farmer would get his way and might get me arrested for something I didn't do. I am a woman and don't look very threatening that Swiss can mess with me all the time, but when I get really upset, I turn green , which make some people laugh and some others back off because they realize they went too far for no good reason. Walking there, I had to be on guard all the time, knowing that that farmer would come and shoot me or my dogs if I went there at the same time as his little girl walked on that path. Another guy in the area, who was a certified hunter and who had his dog off the leash at all times, was threatening that I couldn't live there and have my dog off leash. I asked him if his dog had a special medal that he had the right to be off leash, and he said that it was a hunting breed and very friendly. He didn't even know my dog and my dog was super friendly, he was still young. This was not a hunting area, it was near houses and apartment buildings. He yelled at me that I had to have my dog on a leash even if all other dogs were off leash. In my hometown as a puppy when I went to my mother's house, I already had to have him on a leash according to the idiot cops, when all other dogs were running free. There was no law at the time about any breed having to be on a leash. Actually in the books there was a law that said that dogs should be on leashes in the village. I don't remember anyone owning a leash around my mother's house. People, men, cops, twist the laws to their advantage. If women don't follow the laws, they get her arrested, or if they can't catch her doing the thing the men don't like, they arrest her for something else, anything they can find.

In a town where Swiss French meets Swiss German, where both languages are spoken, I rented a studio once I found a stupid job there, and walked my dogs on paths like other people with their dogs off leash. I think there was not one day when I didn't get a few insults and people telling me to leave the forest because it was a peaceful place and they didn't want to see one of THOSE dogs. I think in that town there isn't a single person that is decent and that will mind its own business. It wasn't a village thing where people would get together and plan to get me out of the area. It was a town where people were so frustrated because of the two languages that they won't pass an opportunity to bully a single female with a dog of a breed they don't want to see. There was this retired cop ( "I am a retired cop" is something people say out loud to scare other people...) in that forest with his Belgian Shepard, who once told his lady friend to hold her dog, he was going to beat me up. I had dared say "Bonjour" in a not so friendly way like he said it. After I heard him threaten to beat me up, I turned around with a different look and told him to try so he could figure out if my dog was really friendly or not, because I could tell he wasn't sure if the dog was really friendly or not . His lady friend begged him not to do it and he didn't. I walked by a few times later and he was alone with his dog , I could tell by his look he wanted to kill us, but was maybe a bit scared to use his old cop weapon... Maybe he didn't have the whole police force on his side anymore...

I remember this other older guy on the street in that bilingual town: I was going away at someone's house for the week-end. I had two big bags and my dogs on leashes. I had to meet my friend a bit far from where I lived so I was walking there. I didn't have a car anyway. So I was walking on the street with 2 big bags and 2 dogs on leashes... And this guy who was walking towards me, didn't want to move around me. He was walking straight towards me as if he was going to run into me. There weren't a lot of people on the street. I thought : clearly, he can move to the side a bit, since I had one dog on each side and was carrying heavy bags. The man, who is used to having women walk around him while he confidently keeps going straight because that's the way he likes it, did not want to make the tiny effort to deviate off his straight line. He pushed me into a car. I had pulled the dogs to the left so they would be on the same side, so that the guy could walk on my right. No, the old man couldn't believe that a woman would not move for him. I did pull the dogs, and I am sure he noticed. There were cars parked on the side of the road. As he pushed us, since Shadow was walking right by me, he got slammed into a car. I then fell onto to him and the car. I dropped Shiva's leash by accident. I couldn't believe that prick Swiss piece of s***. I wanted to start yelling at him, when I saw there was a street 3 meters, and Shiva was running towards it. I ran to catch Shiva's leash just before he hit the busy street . That older man was pretty big and tall. It wasn't a man who was lost in his thoughts, I saw his face before he ran into us. He was looking at me with a vicious look. I was furious. He could have done this because of the breed of Shadow or because I am a woman who didn't want to move for him to be able to walk in a straight line, as men should be able to do, in society.... People witnessed it, but as usual they don't say anything, just stared! The guy wasn't in a hurry. He turned around and looked at us, as to say: That'll teach you not to let men walk by first. Things like that happen all the time and, it shows you what a different truth this is, compared to the ideal image that the world has of the Swiss people ( or whoever lives in Switzerland)! I usually move on the sidewalk when I see a man or sometimes a woman walking right towards me. I know they want to win their little game of "who is going to move for who". I have other battles to fight than that one. Even though, on an everyday basis, that crap is annoying. That is one of the reasons why I got that chalet in the middle of nowhere. Living there gets rid of half of the crap a woman has to deal with on an everyday basis.

What is really ironic in Switzerhell is that people will do everything in their power to make a person with a dog of "THOSE breeds" leave a village, a neighborhood, an apartment,because they can't stand having the dogs around them , but they protect the privacy of pedophiles, and don't care not knowing where they live. It is actually a crime to spread the word, in a neighborhood, about a pedophile moving in! You better not get caught talking to people, or worse distributing pamphlets about the pedophile's past actions. You can go to jail for doing that. The number of pedophiles is huge in Switzerhell, as it is in other countries I imagine, but the way Swiss laws ( and people agree with the laws) protect these men's basic privacy, daily right for peace, second or third chance to prove they can stop their crap, and the comfort of not being bothered by those terrible worried mothers ( there are not that many worried mothers, just a few foreigners like anglophones and sometimes latin mothers). Swiss people feel sorry for pedophiles. They usually don't feel sorry for anyone.... I have heard some Swiss people say: " pedophiles are just men who get weak". When there are priests who get caught raping or molesting children, the Swiss say that it's only because priests don't have the right to get married. If they did, they wouldn't do that to children. I am shocked every time I hear that. It doesn't come from uneducated people only, it comes from politicians , city officials and the media. To them, giving priests the right to marry would eliminate all sexual assault towards children. I am not a psychologist, but isn't it in some scientific discovery book, that pedophiles are sick people ( who according to some theories can never be cured), and not just men in bad need for sex???

In the beautiful little village where the nice people tried to run me and my dogs over with cars, where the nice people messed with my car, my sleep, my mail, so that I would finally move out, because of the breed of my dog, there was this guy who I used to talk to, in the beginning. He was from Bosnia, working for the mental institution of the village. Walking by that place, one could see and hear many very noticeably ( as opposed to " seeming normal") mentally disturbed people. The Bosnian guy was the kind of guy who would talk to everyone, friendly, not too bright ( he later go fired because the Swiss don't like people who talk too much about too many things). He told me a lot about that mental place. One of the young guys I saw walking around the village, from that institution, seemed a bit too weird and too forward in his speech to strangers. I asked about him, and asked why he was allowed to walk around the village and not the others. He had raped teenage girls, but had been proven sick back then. Now he was getting better, the Swiss doctor said... These idiot Swiss must be joking! I saw that crazy rapist harassing girls out loud on the street all the time. He did to me, verbally too, until I avoided him like the devil, so that I wouldn't loose it one day and kick him. For a year and a half that I lived there, the villagers would stand by their windows every time I walked the dogs ( 3 times a day ) and if I stopped near their house, they would yell that my dogs couldn't pee nor poop near their house! They all had their dogs off leash in the village and even though mine were always on leashed within the village, they would insult me and my dog, as we were walking. In the beginning sure I could ignore it because it' was SO pathetic. But how can I keep on ignoring comments and insults from grown-ass rich people? That village is a village with mostly villas, expensive ones. Beautiful view on the lake. I keep being amazed at how beautiful not only the place was, but the kind of view most people had from their windows, balconies, garden, and at the same time, how extremely nasty and ugly those people could be! Because of a breed of a dog, a domesticated, trained dog. Yes even if it's trained, they think that one day it will lash out! Correction: one day I, will lash out. One of my fantasies is to go to that village and lash out with a few friends.... Maybe one day... When I lived there and I started to realize that they were all against me, I couldn't do anything to anyone because I'd be in jail the next minute and all the villagers would invent a bunch of crimes that I didn't commit to see me rot in jail! I made sure I always had my phone that took pictures, with me. I have a lot of pictures of these people, to remember, because without them, I would put their ugly faces in my lost-for-good memory zone.

Once I was walking the dogs on a path near the village. An older f*** walked by, I was talking to a friend on the phone. Usually people didn't say hello to me ( funny thing was I said hello to everyone in the very beginning since it is a custom in small villages to do so), but this guy said hello in a loud voice as to say that even if I was on the phone, I should acknowledge him. I was on the phone so even though I heard him and I wondered why he said hello, I didn't reply as I was in a conversation! The guy walked back towards me and said: "I said hello there!" in a nasty old Swiss tone. I made sure to call my dogs to walk in front of me to protect them, and also so Shadow wouldn't bark at the guy because sometimes he would when people would raise their voice with anger. The bastard was yelling things like : "these foreigners who can't even reply when one say hello to them!". I quickly put Shiva on a leash as I didn’t know what he was going to do. I was talking to someone on the phone and I talked a bit louder saying that there was a prick attacking me. I am never afraid of these idiots. I am afraid of what they are going to make me do. Had he come closer and tried to grab my arm to get me to say hello, I would have hit him harder than he could with his old age ( not that old, but I was in really good shape and strong back then). Shadow would have barked, it would have caught the attention of the village and I would be in jail. I always try to stay away from these people so that they won't get a chance to start something physical on me or my dogs, because the insults I have learned to take them and not react violently, but if someone touches me or my dogs, that's it. So I stay away. I go out of my way to stay as far as possible from these Swiss people when I feel a weird vibe. The guy was coming towards me but I was walking faster. He then got tired of yelling and trying to catch up to us, and maybe he got scared of Shadow when he thought about it. I often passed by idiots who would insult us but wouldn't try to hit or grab me when they got really upset after I would say something to them after their insults. Some days I could just walk by and not say anything, but others I couldn't let an insult go, I had to reply with something, anything, either an insult or a comment, or a swear word, whatever, to release some of the stress they inflicted on me. Swiss people can't just walk by someone on a path, in a village, in the forest, without either staring, saying something nasty, or nice if they know the person. Minding their own business only applies when there is murder or a man committing a crime. Then they get scared and start minding their own business. Some people are really scared of my dog, and actually give us some space, but those are rare. The majority of Swiss can see my dog is not aggressive, but they hate his look, his confident majestic look. The similarity with the pitbull is drastic to them. They don't know dog breeds of the world that well, so anything that has the slightest resemblance to the pitbull is a pitbull to them. Another thing the Swiss can't stand is that I often have Shiva on a leash and Shadow off leash, because Shadow listens well, and Shiva listens once out of twice. The Swiss can't bare seeing my big dog off leash even if they see he is trained, they still don't believe a woman can train a dog. So to them, I am putting them in danger by letting the big dog off leash. The Swiss hate it when I have the little one on a leash. It drives them buzurk. They also wish I would let Shiva off leash so that they could hurt him and pretend it was an accident.

There was another guy who would walk his dog a lot, and would test if Shadow was aggressive by walking right into him. I would of course pull my dog at the last minute because I knew Shadow would get hit by either that guy's foot , leg or stick. I had trained Shadow to walk by my side and to change side when needed as well. So when I knew that guy would try to walk into him, I would tell Shadow to switch side. That fact made that guy think that maybe Shadow was so trained and well-behaved that he wouldn't protect me. He thought he could be the town hero and beat me up. One day he was walking fast towards us. I felt like this time he was going for me. I am not sure what he was going to do, either just slap me, or hit me. I suddenly took a picture of him with my phone. He backed off. It was my best weapon at that point. It was in the village. He was scared that I could sent the photo before he could break the phone and that I could have something against him, as otherwise he would have the village on his side! They had the 1 cop of the village on their side, but I guess not necessarily the judge of the canton! So I kept on using my phone as a weapon. I had tons of pictures of all village morons which I could have used in court if anything happened to me.

In front of my building, pricks parked in my parking spot, for which I was paying. I went to the village police once in the beginning, and they funnily said that it wasn't their job to do anything about that. Does it say "stupid" on my forehead? I had to then park where I could. My car funnily got scratched all over. What these people didn't know was that I don't care much about the outside perfect look of my car, as long as it runs. They soon figured it out and then made my car break down several times where I couldn't start it and had to call the garage and pay to have it repaired. The garage said it was the stone martens around the area that could have done the damage to my car. These animals do go indeed under cars to create some damage, but when there are cats around, and there were many, they don't come near. My car was important since the village is up on a mountain and the small train that goes there is slower than hikers.

Another thing that bothered me was that when I went for long walks in the mornings up in the forest behind the village, some punk would always follow me to see where I was going and if I was doing something illegal where they could catch me! The woodcutters who were working there had lots of fun threatening me with their chain saws! They would laugh and threaten me. They knew I would get upset and they loved it. They were also having lots of fun with the truck they used. They drove that truck as if they were racing in that forest! Once I didn't hear them coming because there was a plane up in the sky at the same time, I had Shadow a bit far back and I didn't have the time to call him nor run to him. I just prayed for a minute that he would walk to the side of the street. He did a bit but the truck drove by so close to him, I was, again, furious and wanted to shoot every single one of these punks! I did go to the administrative office of the village that day just in case these assholes were driving like that near other dogs and people ( fat chance). I told them what happened and they said I was paranoid, these guys were not driving fast.... Their attempt was to make me seem paranoid so that if I ever filed a complaint at the police station in the nearest big town, they would all say that they noticed that I was paranoid. Paranoid my ass! Being bullied by grown rich Swiss has really created a hatred of another kind in me. Oh sure I make sure I have enough distractions even aside from my dogs, so that I won't focus on what I'd need to do to these people to get justice. You know psychology tells people to let the anger go, move on and look towards the future, when really that concept is just to protect the bastards of the world. I am not god, I don't forgive people when they have really hurt me. Sure holding on to anger is not good for one's health, but let's draw the line between not having to forgive because contrary to popular belief, forgiving is not what is making you feel better and focusing on one's life in order to be happy. If you want to forgive, hell yes, then it is good for you if that's what you want to do. I don't forgive the harsh stupid things done to my dogs, but there are things you can do to me that won't get to me, or will get to me for a while but are not so important at the end of the day. Everyone has priorities, touchy or un-touchy subjects and actions. My first 2 dogs were a touchy subject, because of circumstances, living in that hell country , or just because I have got a lot of love for creatures who are good to me over the years. But I better get some really positive ( leaving the country forever) while I still have the 2 or at least one of the 2 dogs. After them if I am still stuck, I'll be the most dangerous thing around Switzerhell. I can become very very Swiss if I don't get out of there. Revenge is not my goal in life because I know that when good things happen to me, my spirit grows stronger and revenge takes its course without me having to lift a finger. It has happened in the past.

The luck these people have is that they're all f****** with me, even if they don't know each other. They are so many who have insulted me and the boys, and have made our life more difficult than it already is. Their luck is that they're in number. Oh they're not smart enough to get together to create some kind of conspiracy. Well I am not worth much for them to plan anything, except for Shadow and their wish to exterminate certain breeds. The Pit-bull-like breeds are a big annoyance to these people's controlled life and environment. They hate THESE dogs because Swiss people think they can't control them one hundred percent. In Switzerland there is no hurricane, earthquakes ( hardly), dangerous snakes, insects, dangerous wild animals. They take all that for granted. They think they've got their world under control. That is proof that when a group of humans have it too good for too long, they get lazy, stupid , vicious and unproductive. That would be one theory to explain their minds and spirits full of contempt. I like science and I try to explain, as one student of mine ( learning French) once told me: I see how you feel about the Swiss and it's true, but can you explain why these people are so pathetic? It's a lot of facts mixed together by circumstances that explain the Swiss, but in this world where most people try to do better things, it is unacceptable to have a society that brings the soul of humanity down, even if it's a small country. And the fact that some Swiss do recycle and clean their streets, can't make up for all the unnecessary crap these people do to others!

Dogs are a specie that was created for human companionship, and household help ( medical or physical). Dogs are treated badly, if you take all the dogs in the world. Dogs should be treated like they are on TV in the US. I know many people neglect their dogs in the US, even if much less than in Europe, and the rest of the world. Well in poor countries, dogs live on the streets. There are countries in Africa where people have dogs which stay outside the house at all times. These dogs know their place. They are not treated badly. People have them for protection, hunting, help for this and that, and it's not so bad compared to dogs in Europe who people love one minute and hate the next, where people let the dogs eat first so the dog understands she or he is the pack leader and then when he bites someone she or he is beaten, abandoned or killed. Confusion is a real pain for dogs. Europeans can't learn the simple rules that make canine behavior. At least Americans have laws against animal cruelty, laws that help dogs here and there. What did man create? All these breeds to satisfy man's little desires for cute companionship, a living breathing stuffed animal for their kids or themselves. I am all for working dogs. A dog should have a purpose. If you don't give her / him one, she/he will make one up and it may not be the one you wanted and you will get rid of the dog! Do you get rid of your child? No. Yes I know, some people do plus human and dog, one can't compare... There are too many breeds, too many dogs. My opinion: Someone tell Europeans that dogs should be fixed! males and females! Europeans dogs are still not fixed for the most part! Europeans keep saying how they want their dog to experience having babies once or twice, or that if they get their dog fixed, it's like cutting their own balls off! When it comes to killing them and abandoning them, they say that dogs are not as important as humans, but when it comes to sexuality, they all of a sudden think they're of the same specie.

A while back, I was still trying to look for friendly people with dogs and making sure we could meet regularly so our dogs could play and spend time together. Shiva was always glad to see other dogs, big ones as well. Shadow would be a bit more picky to play with, but he would love the company of other dogs and people. I met this young woman in in the country side with 2 huge dogs. Her dogs would live between inside sometimes and their little fenced area outside. We walked the dogs together about 3 times. On the 3rd time, I had to tell her to stop telling her boys not to try to hump mine. They were all boys, they were all fixed and they were humping "nicely". My Shadow had had male friends which would try to hump him and vice versa. I knew that if he liked the dog in the beginning, this was a game they would both try and the other would turn around and chase him and play, and that they wouldn't try to do so often if they were allowed to do it. If you have a very dominant boy who humps aggressively, you can tell. Her boys were playing and acting exactly like mine, and I kept asking her if she stopped her dogs from doing it because she thought they were aggressive. She would say that males " are not supposed " to do that! I tried to explain that some dogs do it for fun as part of the game. I knew her dogs would not get aggressive all of a sudden, we had walked together twice and I could tell these dogs did it on each other to play when she wasn't around. Basically her dogs were not supposed to have too much fun. Her dogs would show no fun behavior in her presence. These dogs were rescues and they weren't really trained. These Swiss people have these ideas that they got from who knows what great canine trainer (....) or book. So then she never called me back because she said I was telling her what to do. Truth was I wasn't telling her what to do, I just wanted the dogs to have fun. She knew she didn't know a lot about dog training and felt insecure.

Shadow had another male friend in Paris of the same breed as him, named Shadow as well. The very first day I met them, the owner also screamed for her dog to come to her ( one of those people who keep on screaming and the dog never comes). I told her it was ok. I saw they were both fixed and they were acting alike. That dog was bigger than mine. He would provoke him more. She would say that her dog might not like it and rebel all of a sudden. It's funny how Europeans don't even know their own dogs. I could tell that dog was more laid back than mine and that they liked each other. The thing about certain dogs ( when you know them) is that when they like someone or a dog, there is no chance they will get aggressive for no reason ( even if food and toys are involved).

My big dog gave me more love than I even realized. I had gotten so picky with men or so quick to let them go ever since I had my 2 dogs. I had found a balance with these 2 very different dogs. I didn't need to go look for men. I needed sex every once in a while of coure, but the companionship; I had with the dogs. Shadow of course scared a few guys off , who I thought I liked. He sort of chose the French guy I dated for a while. He liked him right away. This guy was the kind of guy who would never hurt me. Shadow could feel that. Unfortunately I didn't really fall in love with the guy, but his company was always appreciated. He was the kind of guy who was fair, decent, not too smart but faithful, would take me out to restaurants on a regular basis. He wasn't the one but I couldn't complain. Shadow was right as always. He sometimes growled or barked at some guys I knew, and every time, whether I knew a guy wasn't the most decent person or I found out later, Shadow was right. He had a superior dog soul and intuition. I hope his soul will always be with me, and if reincarnation exists, I hope we will meet again soon. Shiva is very spiritual and helps me with my pain and suffering in life. They both have a different mission.

After Shadow's passing, I went to the dog shelter to see if I could walk a few dogs for me and Shiva to get to see other dogs. They gave me this tiny, underweight, weak dog with hair all over her face and eye dripping stuff keeping her eyes glued. It was a horrible sight. The worst part, the dog had been there at the shelter for a week or two. They had taken the dog and put her in a cage with other dogs, and she must have been stuck in a corner... She had poop all over her butt and even in the hair under her chin. This was a well-known big city shelter with money to have their building renewed the year before. I couldn't believe the scum of these people! I could hardly believe that they would give me that dog for a walk. Of course I was just a woman and who was I to tell them that the dog was in sad condition! Shiva and I went for a small walk ( I was afraid to walk too much, she was so weak and skinny, probably sick). I cried the whole week-end after that. I was still messed up over my Shadow's death and that poor little thing, abandoned, ( I thought my Shiva was small, she was like a feather) suffering at that shelter. It was the SPA, equivalent to the ASPCA. They told me they had a lot of work at the shelter: They had to kill a lot of breeds ( the 13 breeds that people don't want in the country: there are new laws, they get rid of them). I am grossed out by Switzerhell every single day. The lady at the shelter was telling me that with all THESE dogs, and the fact that most of them couldn't be put in parcs or cages with other dogs. So the dogs would take up too much space and they had to put many of them down. The country kills a GREAT amount of dogs, whether it is through their hatred like they killed mine and many others that I don't know about, or they kill them when they get to shelters, or people have the shelter put them down as soon as the dog growls or has some kind of disease they say they can't afford treating.... North America has to know what's going on in Switzerhell because I know many people from North America help dogs outside their country, but like everything else in Switzerland, it's hidden behind the great Swiss image! It's got to stop! I think France, which has a lot of dog shelters and is taking a lot of big dogs in now, is just starting to find out about what goes on in Switzerhell. The few French who love dogs, really do. I have heard of the amount of dogs that French shelters near the Swiss border have taken in , to save them from death. But French shelters have less money than the Swiss and their shelters are overcrowded, but at least most of them do their best to help cats and dogs!


My Shadow taught me a lot. He taught me more than I thought before his death, and that's another sad fact: Often when someone dies, the other ones who stay realize things that they hadn't thought of before. Is that good psychology or human stupidity?? Well my dogs taught me so much. They taught me about the people of the country I was born in, Switzerland. I can't call them "my people", because I don't feel that at all, on any level. He taught me the true disgusting nature of their minds and souls, which without my Shadow, nor my Shiva, I would have never figured out. I would, like many people from various countries say that "people are people", which doesn't mean much but explains a bit of the nastiness of humans.

Well, Shadow also taught me to trust my dogs more. I pushed him all his life. He had to obey, listen all the time. He had to be my little soldier. I was harsh when he didn't listen. I never really listened to him, except with people, he would tell me what kind of vibe they would give off, by loving them or barking at them. Aside from that, I didn't listen to him enough. I was very present in his life , but I pushed him too hard. When Shiva was older, I listened. I listened because Shadow had taught me to. I had found this inner happiness with my 2 dogs. I had found this tightness. Even if life didn't turn out right, despite also the poverty and being stuck in Switzerhell, I was ok because of the presence of my dogs. I still feel that with Shiva, but half of it is missing. I had that inner happiness, where life could just be. We could be in our cabin, alone, the three of us for days, and I was happy. I guess that's what you call family, when it's good, when things feel ok. And the great thing with dogs is that if they love you, things are good. Things are uncomplicated. That's why I like the presence of dogs too. When things are not good in life, then you need distractions. Well, I am calling for a huge distraction right now because otherwise life will turn grey.

My big dog was so beautiful and large, he did of course attract attention. Since the Swiss don't like the breed because of ignorance and dullness, my dog did not only attract comments and insults against him ( by the same token against me), he also attracted the cops' attention. Men with dogs of the 13 breeds don't attract the cops as much, for cops to always go and bug them for no reason but a woman alone, easy target, plus they're not afraid and it amuses them. Yes cops are afraid in Switzerhell ( just like in France if you have heard of the French ghetto problems). In Geneva, or other cities, there are drug dealers who always hang out in groups. There could be one or two pitbulls in the pack, the cops won't bother the dudes. The drug dealers they leave them alone because supposedly there is no room in jail, and why would they risk their life talking to those men for a dog? Cops know these drug dealers have knives and know that their dogs are not trained to be man's best friend. But they let them walk around the city without a muzzle and often without a leash. I have seen with my own eyes, twice, a police car driving by, slowly, two or three guys, one of them with a pitbull off leash in the middle of the city. The police car drove on, slowly... I went to Geneva a few times. I put the muzzle on my dog, every time except once, in a neighborhood where the streets were empty. I had just taken the dogs out of the car to pee before putting them back in the car so I could go to a Capoeira class. The cops were there ina heart beat. I don't know if someone called them or if they were just hanging around. They stopped by me, I then put the muzzle on to show them I was of good faith. They got out of the car, which proves they were not afraid of the dog. My dog never looked vicious. His eyes were always deeply gentle. The cops asked me for the papers of the dog and mine. I said there were in the car which was a few blocks away. They followed me there and wrote a report. I asked them how much the fine would be. They said they didn't know, which was a lie. They also said that in the state of Vaud ( the state we lived in, which wasn't a state where any breed had to wear a muzzle), my dog was required by law to wear a muzzle at all times. That was a big lie. 3 possible reasons why they said that: 1) They don't know laws of the state that is less than 10 miles away from Geneva which would prove great ignorance and ridiculous police work 2) They wanted me to get upset and tell them they were wrong for which they could have arrested me 3) They wanted me to believe them and to spread the word so that even if there is no law, dogs of the 13 breeds would maybe wear muzzles all over the country because of these 2 smart cops.... It turned out I got a 130.-francs fine through the mail and the cops didn't just write a ticket, they wrote it down as a criminal act. I found out that cops can decided what they write, whether it is just a ticket, or write it as a felony. After all the cops s*** I have been through as a child and when I had Shiva and he was attacked by 2 police dogs in my hometown and I had been told to shut up and to go home with my small dog with a messed up knee. I can't tell you the hatred I feel towards Swiss cops. If this was an open corrupted country and stories with people suffering from cops' unfairness would be told all the time and would be all over the news, I wouldn't mind, but the news would never show a cop doing anything wrong unless they couldn't help it, like once a year or something. Last year the media talked about a story where cops had been a bit too violent while arresting an older Swiss man. Again, in the United States, where I am a not a citizen, I have had to deal with cops here and there, just like everyone, and never did I have the feeling that they could do whatever they wanted or that they used their power to mess with me , just because they could or would for that matter. In the US, people talk about ghetto stories with guys messing with others JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN. And that's a ghetto or childish behavior and the country has laws which one can use to fight. That's what I love about North America. Switzerhell, like many other countries unfortunately, is a country where, depending on who you are, you can't fight back at all.

Dogs definitely can't fight back either. In some cantons like Geneva, if they so much as growl for too long, the cops shoot them. They have the right and they are being encouraged to shoot aggressive dogs, anywhere any place, in your house, in your backyard if they feel like it. I must say pitbulls and the other breeds the Swiss hate, are not happy in Switzerland. You can love them all you want in your house, they know that when they go outside they feel the hatred coming from people's vibes, looks and comments. Dogs feel things more than us, so imagine how hard they must feel that hatred! I know, my dog has shown his pain and no matter how much I hate these Swiss people for the way they treat and feel about those breeds already, I can't hate them enough to make them feel the hatred like the dogs feel it. I must say I am thrilled when I see happy pitbulls in the US. I have seen some real happy ones ( I know some are also mistreated but it is a minority) in a few cities. When they are happy, they are also very friendly. I have yet to see one dog of those "breeds" in Switzerhell, that is happy. In other larger countries, some families with big private land around their home, have it in them to make their dog(s) happy. I am saying families, so that the dog has many humans he can trust, and be loved by. And a big piece of private land where the dog won't have to come in contact with nasty people ( or nasty dogs ) on an every day basis. But when I see happy pitbulls in the US walking around town, and other people either not seeing them ( meaning letting them be) or giving them looks of love, interest or admiration, makes me happy that a country like that exists. Yes I am silly to say that I am happy that the US is what it is just because there is a certain amount of happy pitbulls, but having lived in a crappy country like Switzerhell with my son , where people hated him and made our life miserable, I am entitled to say that!

When I am in the US, Americans often tell me how happy dogs must be in Europe because they have heard that you can take your dog everywhere. Well in France and Switzerhell I’m not sure about other European countries) , you can take your dog to most restaurants ( except for the four, five star restaurants). You can take your dog to some stores, no grocery store nor supermarket. Really when you think of it, who wants to take a dog to a restaurant where the floors are filthy, sticky and full of bacteria. I don't know how often restaurants are cleaned in the US, but in Europe, except for five star restaurants, the places are barely mopped once a day ( mostly with a dirty mop), or swept. Every time I brought my dogs to a restaurants I had to brush or wash their bellies and their paws. With my dog, I often had dirty looks even if restaurant owners never dared say anything since I always go to the restaurant with at least one other person, often a man. So for your dog to lie down in the filthy restaurant floor, stuck between a chair and a wall, I am not sure your dog is really happier than in a country where dogs are only allowed on outside terraces, which is always cleaner, at least you know the rain came by a few times or the sun dried out the place which is always cleaner than a humid warm floor. And as far as stores go, why would you want to take your dog to a clothing store or a pharmacy, where you have to concentrate on something else but your dog, and the dog gets pulled around, smashed by someone and their bag because either they don't care or they don't like dogs so they put their bag in the dog's face. I have had it so many times with my dog, and have seen it on other dogs. If you complain, people say that you shouldn't take your dog there then. So yes the law says you can bring your dog to more public places than in the US, but most people don't like to see dogs in these places and often complain, hurt them by "accident" or throw out some ridiculous nasty comments. At least in the US, they try to let dogs have positive experiences only, which is how it should be, even if, in a perfect world, we should have more people love and respect dogs for all the good they bring to our lives, and allow them in public establishments.

Another thing that is very different as a dog owner in the US and in Switzerhell: In the US people know that dogs are social animals and that they need to interact, play, smell each other and do whatever dogs do together. In Switzerhell, people either don't let their dog go to other dogs or pull them away after two seconds. Before I had Shadow, Shiva was bitten twice in that ski resort and once in my hometown by the cop dogs. And I mean bitten not just roughed around or put back in his place. With Shadow, I remember people always taking their dogs away from mine. After Shadow, I am surprised ( I had forgotten how it was before my big boy) to see that it's almost always the same thing. I always let Shiva go to other dogs because I know he needs it and wants it , but people will let their dog "say hello" for half a second and then pull their dog away. And it's not just when they're in a hurry, I have seen many walking slow or even sitting down, and pulling their dog after having said: " ok you've said hello, that's enough". Basically these people don't see why their dog should want to keep smelling or playing. Well playing is an activity that is so unknown to these people that they won't let their dogs do it. They will let their dog smell the other for a second and that's it. Because that's how it's always been in Switzerhell and change is unnecessary when they know everything already... Could something else be good for dogs, other than how they've been treated for centuries? No, absolutely not. Reading about dog behavior? Absolutely not. In Switzerhell only big dog owners who are forced to take dog training lessons by the law, learn a thing or two about dog behavior. Dog trainers have a very old-school training, not to say cruel and based on negativity, on reprimanding and punishing. It's just amazing that these people with money and internet all over the place can't get their heads to learn a bit about things and creatures around them! It's just like racism: Some old men will still tell you that black people have violent genes. They don't think they are racists, if you ask them, they just think they know everything!

They also know that they don't want to get their dogs fixed, especially males. Well, since people don't let their dogs socialize, you can imagine how it is when 2 dogs meet nose to nose: "Who 's the boss around here? Me or you? ". They're just being dogs, who have never learned that being buddies with other dogs is better than trying to prove who is the strongest. Of course they're going to "attack" ( because most of them are not trained to attack, they just want to show they're stronger than the other) . Even if by the way, there is no reward for denunciating dog fights in Switzerhell. I have seen ads in the US in different cities, where they give cash reward to people who will report dog fighting. It's great. In Europe the assholes just find empty hidden lots and dog fights go on and on, all over the continent, East and West. People won't report them, they are too scared of the men who handle these dogs. Cops hardly ever catch them. It's like cops at the border in Switzerhell, if they weren't so lazy and would check vans and trucks, especially when there aren't a lot of cars driving through, they could catch all the bastards who went shopping in Eastern Europe for 50 or a 100 puppies at puppy mills. These cops don't do their jobs at all. Except for yelling at a woman like me for having bought one too many liter of milk in France, and threatening to fine me for it, they don't like coming outside of their booth. Unless they have orders to find someone or something specific, they don't search cars, much less vans or trucks. Sometimes there is no one at customs. But at least when those assholes are paid, they could stop and search a few trucks! Switzerhell is a small country. It would be so easy not to let any puppy mills importer come through the border. They hardly care about drugs, imagine how they feel about puppies. The guys who work at customs, like regular cops, don't care about anything. They chose the job because it pays well, they can wear a badge and a gun, and have authority. If at least, they had a reward system where cops would be rewarded financially if they did some good work, it might help motivate them do their job properly. In Switzerhell, no one cares about anything but their salaries at the end of the month. There is no passion, interest, motivation for anything good in this life. It is a pathetic filthy country.

My Shiva was attacked once too many times before I had Shadow. Dogs are pack animals and more importantly they are social animals, in need to be around other beings, so I would always let Shiva go up to other dogs. With Shiva alone again, getting older, I am so very careful with other dogs. He is also more careful. I have seen him, he gives a neutral vibe ( has nothing to do with this "neutral" land), because he knows his brother is not around any more to protect or defend him. He knows I am not as good or as quick as his brother was. So with him now, I let him go to other dogs for his happiness, but if anything happened to him now, I would strike the enemy. The enemy is never the other dog but its owner. Sure I'd kick the dog off mine if he is attacking but that's it, I won't be thirsty for revenge towards that poor dog. Beside the fact that Swiss owners pull their dogs away after 3 seconds of " saying hello", which helps to keep Shiva safe, it's amazing to see the difference between the Swiss dogs when they meet and immediately take that proud position ( also more than half of the females do it) to show who is king or queen), as opposed to dogs in US cities that associate meeting other dogs with fun and games. Then you have a few young people like I was, when I had Shadow, who have Pit-bull-like breeds and we do everything to socialize our dogs, make efforts. It works with other animals, like cows, horses, etc, but when our "ready to be perfect" dog meets another Swiss dog and she or he smells that "I gotta dominate" vibe all the time, how do you want our dogs to be loving and not respond to that, ever? Shadow used to bark, or stay still and stiff, waiting to see if the other dared make a move on him. And when they did, he replied. But I can tell you, he never started it. He so wanted things to go well, like me. He so wanted life to be good. I can't tell you how I wish I could turn back time and work my ass off to go live in the US with my 2 dogs, work on a farm, be an aupair in the country side, or anything. I played my cards wrong. I did the best I could, but I could have done better. I am learning about a lot of things on my own. Having been born in Switzerhell, my parents taught me the basics like how to talk, stay clean, etc. But the rest I had to learn alone. I never had a grown-up I could look up to or learn from really. I have traveled, moved around a lot, lived in the US where I learned all the positive stuff for my life. My 2 dogs taught me about love. I am still learning to make better decisions, getting rid of the Swiss filth that self-destroys a free spirit like me. I still have deep issues that I have to let go of. I am working on that. As a Swiss, dogs can teach you more than anyone around. Of course I am not talking about skills for a career or trigonometry. When you have a country where humans refuse to evolve, and dogs are the better beings around, it's scary. The only Swiss I have met who are not messed up and vicious people are the ones who have connected with their dog. Few really connect because there, again, one needs to be a bit sensitive to connect with an animal. And the Swiss have their sensitivity in their wallet only.

The Swiss not wanting to learn about dog behaviors makes them look really stupid when compared to Americans, and even the French who live right next door. The French have a few dog trainers who know what they are talking about. Even if the French are not always very happy positive people, like the Swiss, the French have understood that dog training can be beneficial for not only their dog's life but their own. The Swiss haven't gotten that part yet. And that's just the beginning. Starting with the Swiss yelling at their dogs ( for those of you who have lived in Switzerhell and who now know that the Swiss can be loud despite their discreet demeanor), repeating themselves like parrots. Not to say that parrots are stupid. The birds are just showing humans they can say the same stupid words as them. They probably make fun of humans, the two-legged proud and dirty beings who can't even fly... Anyway, to get back to the worst 2 legged representatives, the Swiss: Their dogs are in their yards, start barking at someone passing by. The owner starts yelling at the dog, and yelling harder, and yelling louder. The only real noise disturbance out there are the people yelling. But you have got to forgive them, the poor Swiss: That's the only time they get to yell and think they are doing the right thing. It's in the culture to show their neighbors and everyone else that they are doing something to make their dogs stop barking, because they know that people in Switzerhell hate barking dogs and music. All other noise like people screaming viciously to punish or reprimand animals, construction work, army planes, neighbors doing house cleaning late at night or early morning, .... all that kind of noise is acceptable and beloved by the very very logical Swiss tribe.

You can live in a town and have the same dog barking everyday and the same owner yelling the same way at the dog everyday for 10 years. Change is a bad thing... Well dogs think so too. Even if dogs adapt a lot easier to new situations than the Swiss, dogs like consistency. They love to have their owner encourage their barking every time they want to bark. These people encourage the barking by yelling like the dog, as in cheering. Of course Swiss dog trainers will tell you yelling at dogs is not enough, you need to hit them, and they will stop barking. That's how smart dog training is in Switzerhell.

The Swiss have many huskies and think they are mushers. These dogs only get to live in the winter time. But what kind of life is that? These dogs are being yelled at, and beaten. My chalet is on the side of a dog sled circuit in the winter time, so I got to see and hear many of them passing by for several winters. The Swiss don't know how to train dogs, so I would hear the idiot Swiss people yell at these dogs, repeat themselves and getting frustrated, sometimes stopping to hit a dog. Once one guy got really upset, the dogs wouldn't listen, he stopped to beat a few of them. I couldn't believe it. Another time, the dogs got tangled around a pole. I don't know how the human leader go to have these dogs tangled around a pole when the track was right beside the pole. In any case, the 2 people on the sled started yelling. The dogs were screaming. There were about 8 dogs. One of the dogs was being strangled by the cord that had been twisted and tangled in a wrong way. The 2 idiots didn't notice. I was about to go to help that poor dog, when finally the stupid owner realized that one of his dogs was in real danger! It was unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is that these poor huskies are kept in small pens in the summer and don't get to go outside. The owner will walk one of the leading dogs, here and there, but my 2 dogs were in better shape than these poor huskies that lived in that village, stuck in a small area, and not getting daily walks. I know in other countries, some mushers treat their dogs with love and respect, get them exercice in the summer time as well. In Switzerhell I have yet to see someone who treats their huskies right. I met a woman who had called the SPA ( ASPCA) in Switzerhell, about the huskies that lived next to her house and that were living in filth, never cleaned, pee and poop all around their den. The dogs were never walked, etc. She told the SPA all that, and thought that at least they would come and check it out. They told her that they knew that it wasn't easy to keep these dogs in the summer and wouldn't bother the owner. Yes it was a man...

I spoke to a lady who got a dog at the SPA and who thought that it was such a good organization because they came to her house after the adoption, which they admitted not doing all the time. She was a single woman after all, they had to check her house. Bugging single women must be in the Swiss heritage guide book. So they came to her house to check the dog was ok. This woman thought it was actually good to do that. It didn't bother her. So she thinks they really take good care of animals(...) Does she volunteer or give money to these organizations? No. Does she know about other stories with the SPA ( société protectrice des animaux)? no. I told her about the huskies and the fact that a few people like me had called the SPA to ask them to check on these dogs kept in such small places the whole summer. The SPA didn't go to check and didn't do anything for these huskies. The SPA kills dogs , especially the hated breeds, everyday. There are never many dogs at any of the SPA. They keep the best ones, and the "decent" breeds. Like I witnessed, they don't even take good care of the small dogs. Like I had written about the small female dog who was super skinny, had hair all over her face with nods and eye liquid glued to her eyes. Dog shelters like this shouldn't even exist. I could imagine how they would exist in countries like Rumania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, or poorer countries like the developing world. But we are talking about a country where bums don't exist. Beggars are few and have chosen to do this "job". I am part of the poorer population in Switzerhell and I can still eat well, pay my bills and sleep in my own apartment. I have no savings and that makes me really poor. Switzerhell is one of the richest countries in the world. The SPA's have money to build decent buildings for humans to hang out while waiting when abandoning their dogs. They even build real nice parking areas, nice fences. But funny enough they don't think "not killing dogs" could be a priority! Rehabilitation doesn't exist. If a dog has the wrong look or a slight behavior problem, they kill the dog. They think no one would adopt the dog anyway... How do you want these kind of people to stop puppy mills or do anything to help the canine world?

The law in the Geneva canton about the 13 breeds is that they have to wear muzzles and are forbidden to reproduce. That's the extra smart part... That law also includes a few goodies for people who hate the breeds and for cops to have more power: if a dog of those breeds barks at someone or growls, people should ( and they do) call the cops right away. People who hate the dogs love that. So whenever you have a dog that barks, even for fun, to play, someone can call the cops on them and have the police come there and shoot the dog. I have seen dudes with their pitbulls run away, after their dog barely barked at someone passing by. They ran because they know if there were enough people around, there probably would have been one or two who will have called the cops, if not the ones watching from their windows. Well this morning, I was walking Shiva in a small forest in Lausanne. I was still a bit sick from the flu I was getting over, so I sat down. Shiva likes it when I sit down. He has time to smell all the smells around and take his time. All his life I have always walked fast wanting to get somewhere on time or give his big brother a long walk. But now I give him these grandma walks a lot. So there I was sitting and worrying about nothing since Shiva rarely gets in trouble anymore, even with any of these unsocialized Swiss dogs. He gives a very low vibe because either he knows his brother is not around anymore to save him or he is just getting old and can't play tough or hump anymore. All of a sudden, this labrador runs to me with a vicious bark and his hair all sticking out on his back. I recognized the bark, not a playful bark! So I get up because he kept approaching while barking hard. I may have reminded him of something or someone he didn't like, so by getting up, if not to protect myself , but to change my shape so he would realize that I was not what or who he thought, in the first place. But then his owner came and he barked even harder. I asked the man if he didn't think his dog was a bit close to me to be barking with this intensity and ferociousness. He said that he must have started barking at me because I provoked him! I was going to say: " you have got to be kidding me!" but I then thought these people not only don't have a sense of humour but are very very stupid! This was an old man again.... with a lab. Then he kept on yelling that I was the weird one and had to get checked! These Swiss people are so mentally disturbed that they can't have a normal conversation, they right away insult you! It's not even funny when you live there trust me! There were people around there who saw that dog barking at me in an aggressive way. No one reacted. It was a man, with a lab. Had it been one of the 13 breeds, with a woman.... the phone would have been ringing at the police station!

Most dogs, even those who belong to Swiss, are smarter, quicker thinker than the entire Swiss population. I swear if I had given Shadow arms and legs, hands and feet, and a voice to speak, he would have proven his intelligence. We always say that dogs are not as smart as humans, but try to raise a child who can't hold a pen in his hand, who can't physically put on clothes and who doesn't have the vocal ability to produce syllables in order to be understood. Your child might be very bright, but without certain physical abilities, he won't be able to function productively, and use his intelligence like you and me. In any case, even with their 4 not so flexible legs and paws, and their 2 pitch barking, most dogs are smarter than Swiss people.

I will never forgive the Swiss for killing my Shadow and for the heartache that they put us through because of his breed, the years that he had, that we had together, on this planet. My Shadow was the second love of my life ( first was Shiva), and when he was there, I was a better person. I was strong, had principles, had dreams for us, believed in a better world. Now that Shadow is gone, I only have a soul, Shiva to keep me going, to give me love and joy. When Shadow was there, I stopped eating beef, lamb and veal. I only ate chicken and turkey. When Shadow was there, I didn't believe in writing this book. I only dreamt of winning millions to go to a better place, forget about Switzerhell, and give my dogs and me a better life. My Shiva means so much to me. But I have lost hope for humanity. The world is messed and who am I to try to make a better world. I was born Swiss. All I need to do is excoriate Switzerhell. My life wasn't great before Shadow, I was moving around, trying to learn, discover, find myself. I had my first love Shiva, my jewel with me, took him everywhere, from the gutter of Switzerland, to Harlem New York to Manhattan. He saw it all. When Shadow was there, I eased up on the searching. I had found a joy in me with these 2 dogs in my life. Everybody around in this f***** Switzerhell was making my life difficult because of my dog and also because of the fact that having 2 so very different dogs was bugging them, confusing them. Shadow did drive me a little nuts when he was a puppy, destroying things and not listening to me, but after puppy-hood, I so had my niche with these 2 dogs. Swiss people also hate it when one is happy, and when they would see how happy I was with my dogs, they would mess with us more. But despite all their crap, I was happier than I had ever been. I wanted more, I wanted to win lots of money to buy my boys a house, a home from which we wouldn't have to move anymore, and it would have to be in the US. It would have worked out well because I 've always liked the place. But my dream never came true. Nowadays, I cherish Shiva because he is the only great thing that life is showing me.

In Switzerhell, dogs are treated like cattle. Cattle, to them is a tool to get money, that's all. Dogs are tools to keep them company , protected and to entertain them. The life of the animals has no importance, no sense, no meaning to these bestial people. Animals don't think about the well-being of other animals. Neither do the Swiss about other people, or animals of the world. Their own dog might bring them joy. It might get a few awkward smiles out of them. Dogs not only have a great sense of humour, but they are so full of true life, good energy, that the Swiss love the fact that they have power over them, to treat them like s*** every chance they get, to show them that they're in power and that life is not all fun and games. The Swiss break dogs' spirits at a level to which I want to scream and cry. The few who actually develop some kind of feeling for their dog are the lonely ones who need to use their dog as a substitute for love. It is sad. They choke their dog in the physical sense by not letting the dog do anything fun, nor getting long walks, and in the emotional sense, by making the dog feel he has responsibility over the owner's emotional balance. Some could say that Shiva is my emotional balance, because I have only him in my life. Well, I may be guilty, but I do respect him as a dog and I at least make sure he gets his daily dose of dog sniffing, walks in the parcs and I try to tell him that he is a good boy for just being there and happy and not for coming to me when I am crying or upset. I know as a single woman who tries to stay away from most people in Switzerhell, I could be seen as someone who love her dogs as a substitute. I have a thing for dogs, for their 4 legged furry look and for their great personalities and sense of humour, love for life, and who can be helpful and obedient. I love their presence, ever so mild yet comforting. They are trainable but keep their own spirit. I love to see that in a dog, a good working dog with her or his very own personality. I may have pushed my Shadow when I wanted him to be perfect so I would have less Swiss assholes coming to mess with us. Shadow is the first being that I loved and lost and who I hope to stay connected to for eternity. He makes me want to believe in life after death, in reconnecting with our loved ones when we die. I do want to see him again.

The Swiss keep telling their dogs "no , don't do this don't do that" all day long. Most of them beat them, hit them and punish them very often. Never did I hear " good boy, good job, good dog" from any Swiss, and I have walked around many towns and country sides in that country. They break their dogs' joy for life, they take the love away from these wonderful domesticated animals. Not only in Switzerhell but all over Europe, I have seen dogs on small balconies, alone, barking or wanting to bark ( you can hear the frustrated barks when the dog knows that if he barks too much, he will get hit anytime). In the summer time, it is one thing to put your dog outside on the balcony to get some sun, but in the winter? That is one thing I have never understood. I have seen it in Switzerhell, in France and in Germany: Dogs are kept on balconies for half of the day, sometimes the whole day. It hurts me to even try to find an explanation. I could say it's because the idiot people are afraid that the dog will destroy their furniture, clothes, etc. That would make sense.... Not! F***** idiots! You don't keep a dog on a balcony with the door closed for more than an hour! And not in the winter at all! Most of the dog beating happens inside without anyone seeing. Outside, Swiss people hit their dogs but just to show they are punishing their dogs, which they know society wants to see. I actually don't know how they deal with neighbors who complain about the dog barking. Well it is never a woman alone who gets away with dog barks on a balcony. Men say they are punishing the animal for having done something bad. That always works. People like to hear that a man has a hold on his dog, and they feel reassured when they know the man punishes his dog when needed, even if it's outside, in public. We all know that animal rights are nothing, non existant in Switzerhell, and in Europe in general. A few French animal lovers try to scream and shout but no one listens , nor care. I know a few French foundations who are working hard to, in the end get little done, because they have to push and shove for so long before getting something. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation, I have heard is doing a lot for animals of all kinds. There is nothing close to it, in Switzer-I-don't-give-a-f***-hell.




My experience to try to adopt a dog from a shelter has been:

When I had Shiva, I wanted a second dog. I used to go to a shelter ( ASPCA equivalence) to walk a few dogs in the afternoon. I chose a shelter that would let me do that with my dog. All the other shelters won't let people volunteer to take any dog for a walk , if people come in with their dog. So after walking many dogs for many weeks, I finally met a dog I wanted to adopt. He was a 7months Newfoundland. He was a big dog, but playful and careful with Shiva. I lived in an apartment with a balcony, and was working only part-time. So I told the shelter that I was into hiking and running, and was going for long walks even then with Shiva. The shelter didn't want to hear me out, they just said this dog had to be adopted by a family with a garden, end of story. They preferred someone with a garden who let their dog walk around the house by himself a few times a day than someone who would actually spend time with the dog, giving him real exercice. The shelter didn't care that the dog stayed another five months in a cage before getting adopted, because that's what happened.

Second experience was when I lost Shadow. A few months later I went to another shelter and saw a small dog of the same breed as Shiva. Shiva is a male and that was a female. She had just arrived. The shelter hadn't even cut the hair that was glued to her eyes because of the dirt she had all over her hair. The dog was skinny as a skeleton. She was placed in a cage with other dogs who of course wouldn't let her eat. Plus she wouldn't see much so she would have had to smell her way to the bowl to eat and drink. All the other dogs had finished her bowl by then. The shelter let me walk her, but said they didn't want people with a dog already, to adopt one of their dogs. They said that people who have one dog take better care of their dog. That little dog would have done great with Shiva. They would have kept each other company, and I wouldn't have loved her any less because I had another dog already...

A few months later, I looked at the dogs for adoption on the web, at different shelters, and found a 7 year old beautiful dog, same breed as Shadow was. I called to ask if I could come and see him and told them I have a small dog. They automatically said that it wasn't possible for that dog to get along with other males, small or big. I asked them if they had seen him with many other males, they said no but just seeing him with one other male was enough for them to tell...I tried to explain to them that I knew the breed well, and asked them if I could maybe come to see him and get an idea if I could make it work, or even try to introduce him to Shiva. They didn't want to hear anything. Knowing that that dog was going to be killed by the shelter if he stayed there too long, or that he might get shot by the police if taken by someone who doesn't know how to handle the dog, it made me sad to hang up the phone, as I also knew that talking and trying to persuade these Swiss people is like talking to a wall, since they think they know everything already.

Dog shelters exist in Switzerhell just so that the country can say that they exist. The little pocket money that is spent on dogs in that country ( well shelters only live on money given to them by people individually: No company, no institution, nor any department of the government gives a dime) is so meager compared to the wealth of the country, while dogs help these mentally disturbed Swiss ( like anybody else) live and be happy in this world, not to mention the dogs who literally save lives. It is sad.

The amount of hatred the Swiss have for the 13 breeds that they have designated, is proudly shown and the majority of people gang up on the desire to exterminate those breeds. Why? Because a few idiots have made mistakes educating their dogs. The thing that saddens me is when I hear these grown Swiss dog haters talk about their interest and love for alligators, sharks, lions and other animals who could tear their children to pieces. They will go on trips to see these wild animals, some will study the behavior of these animals, they will have posters of them in their homes. Dogs are domesticated animals, easy to train and educate. These Swiss people cannot see the danger in the kind of people who get a dog with a powerful jaw. The kind of people who get powerful dogs and don't make the effort to have a balanced dog, are going to be the people who can be aggressive in all kinds of ways, with all kinds of weapons. Punish people, build more jails! It is not the dog, it is the person who owns and spends the most time with the dog. Dogs are all over the country. Who will save these dogs? When will the massacre stop? When will be the rich stupidity end?

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